‘Break On Through to the Other Side’
and Reach Your Spiritual Home
Sybella L. Loram
The inspiration to write this book came to me through both spiritual
guidance and profound personal experiences. Since the age of five,
I have been gifted with mediumship, clairvoyance and the ability to
perceive and sense spirits. Growing up in a 16th-century farmhouse,
I encountered spirits from various time periods, each with their own
unique histories and experiences — a fascinating topic but for another
book entirely.
Many people believe that time is not a linear progression of past,
present and future, but a singular, overlapping experience. This
perspective suggests that those of us who see spirits are not witnessing
hauntings in the traditional sense, but moments where different
times briefly intersect. Is this true? In my experience, it certainly seems
However, there are also those spirits who dwell in what I refer to
as ‘No-man’s-land’. These souls, who have departed from this earthly
plane, remain stuck for various reasons. Some are unaware that they
have passed on and continue to exist as if they were still living. Others,
especially children in my experience, stay behind to remain close to
their loved ones. Then there are those who linger out of fear — fear of
judgement, of damnation, or of what awaits them on the other side.
This fear is often rooted in their earthly experiences, influenced by
persecution, upbringing, culture and the various religions they followed.
The Higher Self, the Spirit Guides
There is often confusion between the concept of your Higher Self and
your Spiritual Teachers, which can be challenging to clarify, especially
from the perspective of feeling separated from God. When we reincarnate,
only a small portion of our soul temporarily leaves the spiritual realms
– our true home or heaven, as you may call it. Meanwhile, our Higher
Self remains connected to the divine, guiding us through our lives and
experiences as we work to evolve our souls.
Our spirit guides, while often highly evolved beings, are also on their
own journeys of growth, learning alongside us as we navigate our earthly
existence. The realms of our true home are vast and multi-faceted,
encompassing galaxies, dimensions, and countless planets. Within these
realms there are innumerable levels of existence, populated by an infinite
array of guides, spirits, angels, souls and other manifestations of our
Creator’s boundless love.
As you learn to think of life as an inclusive network of evolving
relationships, you then begin to experience and recognise that your
Higher Self is indeed part of a greater fabric of all relationships. It is the
aspect of you that is deeply interconnected with others, not separate, but
meaningfully bonded. Consequently, your Higher Self is also connected
with the Higher Selves of your teachers. Unlike us, they exist beyond
duality, as they no longer have a separate self. You, however, have two
aspects: the soul that originates from God and the self you have created
in this lifetime — the part of you that is here, now, reading these words.
You chose your parents, personality, Star Sign, culture, IQ, family
environment and even the country you now inhabit before your
incarnation. These choices were deliberate, designed to align with the
growth and challenges you will need during this lifetime. Your task
now is to bring the self you have created into alignment with your True
Higher Self, merging them into a meaningful union of purpose and
service. This service extends to your Soul Family or Group, as well as to
all those who played a role in your journey to this point.
Life, as we know it, is often cluttered with personal desires, ambitions,
fears and complexities. These elements burden the vehicle through
which you are meant to bestow, resulting in misdirected energy and a
sense of disconnection from your higher purpose. This is why God often
intervenes in subtle ways, attempting to guide you even when you are
unaware of what needs to be done or when you struggle to understand
your purpose. It’s important to recognise that you will need assistance,
and accepting this help is crucial as you continue on your journey.
As you read this book keeping an open mind, be willing to unlearn
much of what you have already been taught. This process of unlearning
will help you shed unnecessary burdens and provide reassurance that a
fulfilling life is not only possible, but inevitable, for you and all those
who have come here to serve. Reflect on this and view its truth in light
of your current perception of the world. To truly grow, we must unlearn
certain beliefs and open ourselves to receiving the guidance necessary
for us to learn our true purpose. In doing so, we can move beyond ego
and into a position where we can give generously, fulfilling the reason
we are here, in the current body we inhabit, to serve the planet and its
inhabitants according to the unique circumstances of our incarnation.
Imagine having the inner knowledge and guidance that allows you
to understand why you are truly here. With this awareness, you would
be able to receive the spiritual guidance needed to fulfil your purpose
with intention, earnestness, and authenticity.
Without a clear purpose, the freedom we have can so easily lead to a chaotic life, one without the structure or spiritual guidance needed to achieve meaningful goals.
While we may overcome challenges and discover aspects of ourselves,
along the way, the question remains: is this truly why you are here?
Is this your calling, your Dharma, your life’s purpose? Are you serving your
Soul Family and fulfilling your destiny? Honestly, the answer is most
likely going to be ‘no’.
The human ego operates very differently from the soul’s purpose. Our
body and mind are not who we truly are; they are temporary vessels. Our
soul, the eternal essence within us, is the genuine part of our being — the
part that returns to heaven, our true home, within the various realms
of the spiritual world. When our current life ends, the physical body is
discarded but the memories of that life travel with us as we reunite with
our Higher Self and return to the collective consciousness. The Higher
Self often speaks in terms of ‘us’ or ‘we’ because it encompasses every
life that has been lived. It stores the collective experiences from multiple
planets, times and bodies, yet your true essence — your connection to
God — remains eternal and immortal.
Each incarnation is recorded in the Akashic Records, accessible to
all who wish to learn and understand. It is very similar to watching a
historical documentary that can be experienced instantaneously by the
observer as if they were there. On the other side, time travel is possible,
and not just on Earth or within the Milky Way Galaxy; you can explore
billions upon billions of realms, galaxies and planets with merely a
The soul incarnates repeatedly to gain knowledge, wisdom and
experience within a physical environment. Out of these billions of
dimensions, realms and planets, Earth — with its dense atmosphere,
gravitational pull and limited five-sensory experience — offers unique opportunities for growth. Earth is a place where the soul can encounter many variable negative events and extreme traumas, constantly testing
our inner strength and teaching us lessons in tolerance, compassion,
forgiveness and love. It is one of the few planets where souls can
experience fear, loneliness, abandonment, rejection, objectification,
exploitation and even atrocities like murder and rape. Believe it or not,
Earth is a boarding school of sorts, a place of profound learning and
teaching on many levels for beings from many different planets.
There are many souls incarnated in human bodies who are not
originally from our star system, let alone our planet. This may come as
a surprise to some of you or may even be unsettling, but I urge you to
keep reading — if for no other reason than curiosity.
We are living in a period of unprecedented global change. Environmental
degradation, resource depletion, economic instability, and other
emerging crises that are converging and intensifying as I write. They are
having a profound effect on the stability of our societies and threatening
the survival of sentient mammals in the future.
While all this is happening, other forms of intelligent life within the
universe are making contact with our human civilisation. Unbeknown to
the majority of people, this contact has been taking place for over eighty
years and represents an incursion into our world by unknown forces from
beyond. Our isolation in this magnificent universe is over, representing a
major challenge and threshold in the evolution of mankind.
So why are we here? What is the purpose of humanity’s existence,
and what happens to us after we cease to exist? It is clear that we can no
longer consider ourselves to be the centre of the Creator’s focus. As more
and more people distance themselves from local religious influences
and the outdated dogmas that have been exploited for war, control and
dictatorship, we observe a growing trend: individuals and their families
no longer hold God dear. In an ever-changing world, God seems less
present in their experiences of life.
The author hopes to challenge the reader’s mind sufficiently so they
can see and recognise God’s love and work, which I promise you is
I would like you to visualise a Creator who wishes to work
through each of us individually, regardless of our origins, possessions
or achievements in the material world. A God who does not require
worship through grand demonstrations, donations, sacrifices, or displays of greatness. For God’s work through us does not need miracles, followers or recognition. Each person can manifest God’s love through spiritual nature, kind representation and respect for one another, Mother Earth and all sentient beings, by living as an example.
There is a piece of God in each and every one of us, a part that is calling
us home, capable of influencing without money, power, celebrity status
or religious authority. God is not conniving, treacherous, self-indulgent
or selfish. The Creator of over a billion planets, realms and universes
does not exploit others for personal gain and most certainly did not
create man in his own image.
Throughout history, all of God’s messages delivered to the world have
aimed to uplift humanity and promote the freedom necessary for the
development of human civilisation. While every religion originates from
divine guidance, human intervention has often altered these teachings,
sometimes obscuring their original purpose. However, the fundamental
intent behind all world religions, as initiated by God, has been to
empower human civilisation to thrive and strengthen.
Sadly, as more of us increasingly neglect the work and purpose of our
Creator, as well as the profound wisdom and beauty of Mother Earth,
we distance ourselves from the ongoing divine assistance that is meant
to guide us towards our goals. This disconnection makes it harder for
us to discover the true meaning of our lives or to reach our intended
destinations. Therefore, it is crucial for each of us, whether individually
or in groups, to remain aware of the subtle, often fleeting inspirations
that come our way, no matter how vague, small or abstract they may
seem. We must learn to listen carefully, for we are constantly being
communicated with through higher forms of energy — manifestations of
God’s messengers, healers and helpers.
We are never truly alone; we have teachers, guides and angels by our side, along with great friends from our Soul Families, who are not of this world. These sacred bonds were forged beyond the realm of Earth and exist now to support us. If individuals take time to be still – through meditation, sitting quietly, walking in the hills, or simply being surrounded by nature — they can begin to understand their true relationship with the world. In doing so, they will sense the presence of their guides, feel their encouragement, and receive correction from those who are more powerful and who serve a purpose in our lives here on Earth, even in the physical form.
A crucial aspect of the soul’s journey is to find those individuals
destined to share your life’s force and work. The search for these kindred
spirits can often occupy the early stages of the soul’s development. It
is important to always act upon positive impulses and remain open to
guidance in all its forms. Consider your life as a treasure hunt, where
each clue you uncover leads you to new adventures. Discovering your true
companions in this life is a profound gift; if you are fortunate enough to
find them, you must embrace your shared purpose with accountability
and intention. Your growth and theirs become intertwined, making your
mutual development essential. At this stage, you are not only practising
the path of enlightenment for yourself but also for the benefit of others. To
falter now would be to fail not just yourself but also your Spiritual Family.
As you navigate this journey, remember that while there may be
no Great Masters in the world today, there are many Great Teachers.
Approach the world without condemnation, but with clarity and
discernment. Without a greater purpose, human relationships cannot
fulfil their greater meaning and value, we are so often at the mercy of the
world and its governing conditions.
Talk to God, whether through prayer, quiet contemplation, or casual
conversation as you walk amongst nature. Meditate, sit quietly, and seek answers in the trees, the birds and the wonders of your natural
surroundings. Always listen carefully, never dismiss what you observe
or hear, and don’t hesitate to ask God anything, no matter how dark
it may seem. God understands the challenges of the physical world –
the addictions, temptations, traumas and wrong decisions we regularly
face. There is no shame in these struggles, for God will not judge you.
Instead, God will offer compassion, love and the strength to guide you
positively. Remember, unless it is your life’s purpose to harm another,
God would never lead you down such a path. (More on this subject will
be explored in subsequent chapters.)
You will know when you are fulfilling your true life’s purpose because
your actions, whatever they may be, will bring a profound sense of inner
fulfilment and an undeniable certainty that this is exactly how things
are meant to be. You will experience a deep knowledge that is uniquely
yours, an inner wisdom that will guide you if you pay attention and
listen closely. This inner voice will lead you on the right path.
When you chose your life, along with your life’s purpose, on your
chosen planet and in your chosen physical form, it was God — the divine
Spiritual Energy — who crafted the personal framework where your soul
would reside. This framework was designed to help you navigate the
challenges that will arise as you pursue your life’s mission.
I want you to remember that God does not judge; the Creator’s
only desire is to help you in every way possible to fulfil the purpose for
which you are here. Throughout your life, you will encounter countless
challenges — some preordained, others arising from choices made
through free will.
God will never encourage you to do anything that conflicts with your
life’s purpose or goes against love, kindness, compassion or forgiveness.
There is no war or treacherous act in the universe that God would ever condone, whether in His name or that of any other. But with the free
will we possess, humanity has the capacity to manifest violence and
heinous acts, often justifying them by invoking the Creator’s various
names. God becomes what individuals want Him to be, according to
their own desires and beliefs.
Sadly, it is the human mind that inflicts judgement on others — the
ego that harbours hate, the desire to dominate rather than share, the
need to rule, dictate and subdue those who are weaker. This is not the
way of love, nor is it the way of the Creator, who embodies all that is
love. God does not create the suffering in our world, nor will God be the
one to end it; unfortunately that responsibility lies with us.
You will receive the unconditional love of our Creator regardless of your circumstances. This love is not bestowed through outdated, fear-
based religious dogma — such as threats of hell, eternal damnation, or guilt-driven demands for donations through televised campaigns or
religious ceremonies. Instead, it is offered through a more spiritual,
kind-hearted and open-minded approach.
By connecting with your Higher Self, you can create miracles in your
own life, inspire others and live as a positive example, setting off a ripple
effect of benevolence. Avoid falling into a victim mentality; instead,
share your painful experiences and use them as tools to help others. Even
in the darkest of times, something positive can be found if we are willing
to take the time to look deeply enough.
If we can let go of self-entitlement and cultivate self-awareness, we
can learn to care for those around us — even that stranger down the
street. Raise your children with manners, teach them to be mindful
of the consequences of their actions, and instil in them a respect for
their elders, a sense of gratitude and compassion for the planet, animals
and all sentient beings. Community and family play crucial roles in a child’s development. Parents must be mindful of their words, actions
and inactions, as they shape the adults and future leaders their children
will become.
Self-love is essential, for it allows all that is good within you to
manifest and shine as an example to others. Teach and express kindness
not just to friends and family but also to strangers. To love others, one
must first learn to love oneself. You cannot expect to share love if you
are drained and filled with self-loathing, just as you cannot squeeze juice
from a dried-up, rotten orange. We often become the products of what
we have been taught, shown or exposed to.
Exchanging positive energy — through thoughts, actions, prayer,
reading, singing or meditation — can produce miracles of healing,
inspiration, creativity and more. Figures like Lady Diana exemplified
compassion, using media attention to show the world what can be
accomplished through basic empathy and kindness. Sir Bob Geldof
highlighted the horrors of famine through Live Aid, and the song Free
Nelson Mandela used music to bring global attention to injustice. On
the other hand, history also shows us the devastating consequences of
exchanged negative energy, as seen in the actions of dictators like Hitler
and Stalin.
Religious persecution often results in societal and governmental
regulations that infringe on human rights, leading to wars fought in
the name of our Creator. But God is love, and we are here on Earth to
give and receive love, to serve, support and learn. Our souls are eternal;
life on Earth is merely a temporary experience, and our bodies, minds,
inclinations or past mistakes do not define who we truly are.
This book is one of many paths that can guide you on a journey to
find God in a more personal and centred way, without the need for
cathedrals, priests, leaders or any organised group. It will help you listen to your Higher Self — the part of you that is connected to your soul
family, spiritual teachers and your ancient home. Your Higher Self will
offer you a clearer spiritual perspective on why you are here, where you
go after this life, and who you truly are beyond the physical body, mind
or ego.
Everyone has the right to discover, experience and build a loving
relationship with God in their own unique way. We are not defined by
our bodies or our past actions; what matters is what we achieve in the
present. Put in place your intention to do good, and watch your world
blossom as you live your dreams here in the physical realm.