Climate Change is explained in its most simplistic terms for those still living in ignorance.

4 min readAug 11, 2021


We are all body, mind and spirit, radiating energy at different rates and frequencies. Physics plays a huge part in our assistance alongside the spiritual aspects.

From birth, we are programmed one way or another. First, the education, what type, if you receive education at all. Then media, religion, culture, family doctrine, and bias are integral parts of whom we become and how we operate in the world. Our thoughts form a great part of who we are and how we feel, operate and appear to others.

Living in a world that is assessable at the touch of a button has changed countless lives for good and bad. But like religious dogma, politics, governmental enforcement laws ( i.e.the recent 2021 bill to be passed through the UK House of Commons not to be allowed to protest legally), what we are taught or not, as the case may be, is just another way of being controlled.

Religion has a place in a civilized society and teaches us good qualities. Morals, virtue, ethics, and responsibility, compassion, forgiveness and love. But it has been manipulated time again, century after century, ruler after ruler and for what? To control the masses, the people, the community, and to keep us from the truth.

Spiritual enlightenment is a unique path to each individual, regardless of religion or culture, just like your relationship with God. No person should have the right to dictate how you feel, worship or speak with God.

Being burnt at the stake for not being Catholic ( Bloody Mary). Tortured for being a heretic ( Spanish Inquisition).

You see God differently from your neighbour, but does this condone drowning, hanging?

I find it hard to comprehend how in this century, with all our modern appliances, science and knowledge, we still go to war over God. We still believe in Judgment day and the second coming of Christ. Hell for all those that do not follow the right religion. I have spoken to vicars and worshippers of different variations of Christianity who still do not believe in reincarnation or prophecy. They still believe that true psychics are the work of the Devil, not a gift from God. They took the bible literally and chose to ignore the editing of various kings and religious leaders. The hidden gospels in the Vatican, which the church do not wish us to be educated on. One was written by Mary and removed just because she was a woman.

There is so much control through the editing of the true teachings of Jesus that the bible, which was once a tool for us to work from. Much of the original ethos has all but been lost. What part of love thy neighbour, love thy enemy also suggests going to war over God? Revenge is mine, God says.

Compassion, serve others, help the needy, feed the hungry and shelter those who are weary. Educate each other, build each other up. “Glory be to those that help others, “ share your knowledge. Do not judge; remove the piece of wood from your own eye before removing the speck from your neighbours.

Not ignore those in need, especially disabled, elderly and poor, let the hungry starve or, at best, let us exploit them for a mega income out of their desperation. Who cares about the homeless? They are vagrants and a drain on society. Sell the council houses, tare down the help centres and children homes, let them fend for themselves or die on the street while begging. Give the working classes a basic education; the least they know, the easier to control later. Cannon fodder for the next war. Those that can afford private education are the people we want to enlist and run our country—good old Eton, up the boy's brigade.

The majority of us live in ignorance, fear and poverty. We are so indoctrinated into the dogma that surrounds us and the so-called democracy. We are deluded whilst living in an illusional world created by mortgages, marriage, having babies, getting a job to work for our retirement—content with minimum wage and the state pension.

Not only that, but we are so desperate to have our modern gadgets, the most up to date phone, laptop, trainers or clothes. We forget to vote, have no interest in the running of our country. We have no idea about foreign affairs or where our taxes are being invested. And do most of us even care? No, probably not. I‘m alright; Jack is the consensus in most communities of today.

We need to bring back the community, the one for all, all for one attitude. The people need to come together, start paying attention to what is going on around them. We have fallen asleep, been manipulated, whilst been fobbed off with what we want to hear. The planet is in decay, and few people are really aware of how close we are to a natural disaster that will make the pandemic seem minuscule.

There is a spiritual awakening going on all around us, while nature is begging us to wake up and notice. The people running our countries are cruel, barbaric, archaic, capitalistic dictators with ideologies straight out of the Old Testament.

Humanity, the human race, considers itself to be forward-thinking, advanced, perhaps untouchable. But they are wrong. We are far from advanced; we are very far from being untouchable. Our arrogance, along with ignorance, greed, single-mindedness and inability to listen, will be our downfall.




Written by Aquataine

Spiritual Life Coach and author

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