Tomorrow Belongs to Us
By Sybella L. Loram
Our world is at threshold of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe around us. The next great period of human history through this great evolution is upon us. Therefore, a more universal understanding and perspective on relationships, spirituality and human advancement are needed at this time.
From the Greater Community’s perspective, and those of us who are enlightened, it is clear that humanity is not prepared.
The world is in transition, and we all need to accept and prepare for this. Ask yourself what you really know, then distinguish that which you know from what you think or hope to be true. The ego, assumptions or beliefs, media, what your parents or friends tell you. “What do you really know?”
Apart from the obvious human caused climate problems, there is a growing awareness of our government being influenced, even manipulated, by outside forces. This is my book on what I know, and how I know.
Chapter 1
The old theological religions ae becoming less relevant for much of our race today. The ancient texts, methods of worshiping fictitious deities are at an end. These archaic methods of controlling through damnation, sin, fear, along with manipulative brainwashing are having less influence over us now. Granted, some less advanced cultures still follow the old traditions of divinity, but people are waking up, uniting, and seeking the truth, the knowledge, the spiritual wisdom and connection to the divine is all around us and within all of us without he need of a deity.
Human suffering is ubiquitous, yet most of us refuse to acknowledge it. We hide behind our home, posh cars, ego, fashion, status, family titles and the useless junk we collate in our homes for show.
However, we have the gift of inner knowledge, a higher spiritual awareness that will guide us to turn this around bringing justice to our world
Humanity needs to unite. Our race is desperate for true, congruent, spiritual answers. Humanity requires this in its journey to end suffering all over the world. If we recognize the need to become closer to this reality, it will put an end to the horrors of war, conflicts, and the mendacious propaganda fed to the public by governments. United, we will be able to assist each other. We will start to understand the power of our minds, the outer world, and prepare for other entities, from different realms.
Currently we are at the mercy of our governments, their greed, the illusion of democracy, and the ever-conflicting forces both in this world and others currently unknown worlds. This conflict affects us physically, spiritually and mentally.
To some of us, it has become transparent how other species can read or enter our minds. They take individuals against their will, influence them, enslave them, and then return them. We are being manipulated, not just through religious dogma, propaganda, media, or the constant yearning for the latest must-have item. We, as a race on this beautiful blue planet, face much bigger manipulative problems. There are far more intelligent forces on our planet now, manipulating those in power. This is happening right under our noses. We must come out of the shadows of ignorance and denial. We must make a stand together. It is time to unite, not fight! They are here and have been for an exceptionally long time.
Chapter 2
Imagine a world with no war, a reprieve from chaos, and the luxury of peace. Not having to suffer the frantic pursuits of the world. Perhaps awaken to your personal experience, your actions, your imprint, and then become conscious of how it applies not just to you, your family, or the local community but to the future of humanity. How our mind’s energy affects the world. What we leave behind in residual energy. It is time to wake up, to accept we are all responsible for our planet.
I am not talking about the waste, or the destruction caused by a lack of appreciation for Mother Earth. I am highlighting the lac of spiritual knowledge and the widespread ignorance. Many people do not recognize how realistic the spiritual world truly is. We are created through energy — thoughts, actions, and intentions al generate it. Most of us do not see because we do not look; we go through life blind to the knowledge and truth right in from of us. The power of source is everywhere, available to everyone in the universe and beyond.
Greater forces are at work, and if we wake up and feel them, we can see the reality of it all. We must look beyond ourselves, without prejudice, fear, or denial. I to see the truth of what’s around us.
Chapter 3
Achieving a level of spiritual awakening where we achieve a Kundalini awakening brings true spiritual enlightenment, allowing you to see beyond your current existence without being dominated by your mind, ego, or past constraints. You will learn to live in the present, using each day to shape the future, focusing on a creation without dwelling on the past.
The past holds lessons, yes, and there are happy memories and photograph. But there is a time and place for revisiting these memories. Constantly looking back means allowing your ego, mind, and shame to dominate you. Let go and let the surrounding energy guide you. Opening doors for your life’s purpose.
Most of us are at the mercy of the machinations of others in the world. However, it is our conflicting minds that place us at the mercy of the conflicting forces that exist within the mental environment. We lack stability and consistency, conforming blindly. How easily we follow each other like lambs to the slaughter. Our governments order us to stay indoors, blindsiding us to follow orders. We conform. Are we truly part of a democracy? As the wealthier voters from the wealthier countries, alongside the world’s governments, refuse to acknowledge the planet’s climate crisis, or at least refuse to do something about it, they lead humanity into a world far from democracy. A world infiltrated by unseen forces, intelligent beings that influence those in power behind the scenes. Humanity could not be further from the truth, let alone democracy.
Chapter 4
Good extraterrestrials from other realms, our allies, are here offering guidance through their wisdom, providing opportunities for humans to develop safely, without war or unwanted intervention, avoiding enslavement on our own planet.
Ask yourself, what are these greater forces that are working in the world? Experience the now. The power of now! People see the world as the dominating factor in their lives, when in fact it is their mind that can be the enemy, the dominating force that can lead you to a life of illusion, and indifference.
To join the larger arena of life takes determination and the maintenance of a greater focus. This is especially relevant if you are preoccupied with daily challenges. But if you strengthen this determination, you will gain the gift of seeing.
Chapter 5
Reincarnation is increasingly accepted in theology, though it is more complex than many currently understand it to be. It is believed that our higher selves remain in spirit realms, with only a small part of our soul reincarnating. The higher self might span multiple dimensions and realms, even incarnating on non-physical worlds.
Our soul can send various offshoots into different bodies and lifestyles simultaneously on, while on Earth, accelerating its soul groups evolution and possible avoiding future incarnations. This way, multiple experiences can occur in one lifetime, speeding up the souls journey of learning.
Throughout this process, they should undergo various physical and ethereal intervention, learning lessons and gaining experiences not found in books, meditation, or yoga. Many lifetimes and transformation occur, ultimately elevating the soul and guiding it back to the source, reconnection after a millennium of separation.
Many current spiritualists believe when you die in a human life the soul crosses over into the spirit world, undergoes healing of its life trauma’s, gets greeted by loved ones, from this life and others. The soul then receives a life review to resume its spiritual life whence it originally came. What we enlightened humans know to be our ancient home.
Unfortunately, there are still those of us here on Earth that feel anything beyond the current human form in this life is incomprehensible. But this is without doubt changing.