73 min readMay 20, 2024

Unite — Not Fight

Believe in the Power of Your Own Voice


Sybella L. Loram

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© Sybella L. Loram, 2024

The moral right of Sybella L. Loram to be identified as
the author and compiler of this work has been asserted.

Design by Vivian Head


Renewable Energy
The Effects of Deforestation
Warning Signs
Fighting Over Water
Coral Reefs
Sea Ice and Glaciers
The Ozone Layer
Precious Water


This book is far more than just another prophecy about the coming of the apocalypse when water shortages, famine, plagues caused by humanity’s greed
and refusal to share, adjust and prepare, prevail. This is not just a book about
climate change, or another book on how to save the Earth. The Earth does not need
saving, the Earth was here long before the human race and will still be in existence long
after the human family have been annihilated. This book is to enlighten those that wish
to prepare for the truth.
When God fashioned our planet, no detail was overlooked. Every aspect was
meticulously crafted with impeccable precision, from the delicate hairs on our hands to
the intricate mechanisms of nature, furnishing the indispensable provisions for human
survival. This includes the food we eat, the water we drink and our planet’s resources
used for fuel, building materials and vital medicines.
Alongside these tangible gifts, the natural world bestows upon us subtler yet equally
essential services: the regulation of climate, fortification against flooding, filtration of air
pollutants through vegetation and the indispensable pollination of crops by insects. On
closer inspection of the planet that we so often take for granted, we are confronted with
the sobering reality of the profound mistakes we have made in dismantling our natural
As we stand today, precariously balancing on the edge of catastrophe, perhaps it is
time for us to rationally contemplate the intricate inter-connections of the natural world,
a world that is so in tune with its surroundings, but one we are tipping off balance. It is
time to grasp the repercussions of our actions and how this will impact our children and
the future of our shared habitat.
In A Vision for the Future I aim to portray the pressing urgency of climate change and
explore its multifaceted impacts on our planet. From rising temperatures and extreme
weather events to melting ice caps and loss of biodiversity. The book delves into the
interconnected web of environmental, social and economic challenges posed by global
warming. Drawing on scientific research and real-world examples, it elucidates the
complexities of climate dynamics while also highlighting the imperative for collective
action to mitigate its devastating consequences and foster a sustainable future for
generations to come. The predictions for 2050 are already starting to show exactly what
damage we are doing to our planet, so now is the time to listen and take action.

It was not until I attended a Greenpeace conference in 2024 that I realised just how
many people still refuse to acknowledge the reality of manmade climate change. This
issue is real, persistent, and, if we do not act now, will continue to worsen and become
increasingly difficult to reverse.
The evidence of our warming climate is all around us: oceans are rising, ice shelves
are melting, rivers are flooding, wildfires are raging, hurricanes are devastating and
droughts are crippling entire cultures. Carbon dioxide levels are higher today than at
any point in the past 800,000 years and are still climbing. The Earth as we know it is
changing irreversibly. Coral reefs worldwide are disappearing, cod in the North Atlantic
are struggling to survive as they fail to adapt to changing ecosystems, and mass animal
extinctions are increasing. It is unlikely that we will be able to undo all the damage
caused. However, we can still protect the remaining trees, safeguard endangered
species like bears and gorillas, and dismantle river-stopping dams to restore natural
water flow.
I urge the reader of my book to keep an open mind and conduct your own research.
Stop listening to fake media sites and propaganda. This book took five years of
research and four previous failed attempts to complete, with the hope that it will
encourage more of you to open your eyes and, better still, take action.


Most of the things that are happening in the world right now are because we have
chosen to put profits above the people and our planet. Nature is not indestructible; it

needs to be protected.

As a young woman, I was fortunate to grow up on a farm in the deep southwest of Somerset. My playground was a forest at the bottom of our garden, where I
roamed with several dogs, and sometimes cats, trailing along behind me. I loved
camping in the fields, building dens out of hay bales, and making dams in the streams. I
was blessed with the most beautiful natural surroundings, with little to no buildings in
sight, and certainly no housing estates popping up all over the landscape within a few
Today, with oceans rising, ice shelves melting, rivers flooding, wildfires burning,
hurricanes destroying and droughts devastating whole cultures, the evidence of our
warming climate is all around us. Carbon dioxide levels are higher today than at any
point in the past 800,000 years and continue to climb.
The Earth as we know it is changing irrevocably. Coral reefs worldwide are
disappearing, cod in the North Atlantic are struggling to survive as they fail to adapt to
ever-changing ecosystems, and animal mass extinction rates are growing.
It is unlikely that we will be able to undo the damage already caused. However, we
can still protect the remaining trees, safeguard the remaining bears and gorillas and
other endangered species, and break open giant dams to restore natural habitats. By
taking these actions, we can strive to preserve the remaining fragments of our natural
So I ask the reader of my little book to keep an open mind and maybe take on some
research of your own. Stop listening to fake media sites, or propaganda and please note
that this book took five years of research and four previous failed attempts.
The purpose of my book is to enlighten those who are still in denial about Climate
Change or its manmade origins. The battle lines are drawn, and the future of our planet
rests in your hands. Are you a fearless environmentalist? Are you ready to stand up
against the exploitation and destruction of our world? Will you rise and make your voice

The extensive use of fossil fuels and the resulting accumulation of carbon dioxide in
the Earth’s atmosphere have undoubtedly been major drivers of our current extreme
global warming. Methane also plays a significant role, with its atmospheric levels are
rising exponentially, and it is 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
The world is undergoing an unprecedented, human-made trans-formation unlike any
natural phenomenon since the Cretaceous Extinction. Evidence of this violent change is
everywhere, and this book will delve into some of the most striking examples. It is
crucial for readers to recognise that extreme flooding, widespread global droughts,
dwindling aquifers, and, most importantly, the alarming rate of species and indigenous
community loss are not natural occurrences. These destructive transformations are
unequivocally driven by human activities.
A study published in October 2024 in Nature Climate found that about 85 per cent of
the world’s population is already affected by human-driven climate change. Despite this,
a significant portion of the global population remains sceptical or unaware of the havoc
we are causing.
The rampant misinformation and disinformation spread on social media by hired
actors, highlight the urgent need to address the influence of media platforms and AI on
public perception. Powerful companies exploit these platforms to disseminate toxic, anti-
scientific messages, swaying public opinion to serve their capitalist interests. Social
media companies must take proper action to monitor disinformation and fact-check what
a researcher would term as ‘knowledge vulnerability’.
Geologists have long divided Earth’s history into named periods, and in 2016,
scientists declared our current era the ‘Anthropocene,’ the age of human impact.
Whether intentional or not, humanity has become a global force affecting the entire
planet. If we continue on this destructive path, the Anthropocene may be short-lived,
ending with the ultimate disappearance of human civilisation.
History shows that nature survives natural disasters and wars. Sir David Attenborough
emphasises this in his book A Life on Our Planet, where he reflects on the abandoned
city of Pripyat, known for the Chernobyl disaster — a catastrophic event that prematurely
killed hundreds of thousands. Yet, nature has begun to reclaim the area.
If humanity does not wake up to the catastrophe we are currently causing, it is
humanity that may not survive.



Global warming is undeniably accelerating extreme weather events at an alarming pace, impacting millions of lives across the globe. NASA has provided evidence-
based analysis since the 1970s, transforming the influence of human activity on
climate warming from mere theory to established fact.
While Earth’s climate has constantly changed throughout its history, the current rate
of warming hasn’t been witnessed in over 10,000 years. Scientific data obtained from
various natural sources such as ice cores, rocks, tree rings, permafrost and ocean
samples, leaves no room for denial.

‘With unequivocal evidence, human activity is the
cause of the current accelerated climate change.’
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Global warming entails a gradual increase in the Earth’s atmospheric average
temperature. This results from an increased influx of solar heat to the Earth, which then
becomes trapped in the atmosphere instead of radiating back into space. The Earth’s
atmosphere naturally acts as a greenhouse, capturing the Sun’s heat to maintain
temperatures conducive to sustaining life. Imagine global warming akin to a greenhouse
with its reflective glass installed the wrong way round.
Earth’s temperature has been steadily rising since the Industrial Revolution, with a
clear scientific consensus that human activities, particularly the release of substantial
amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, has become a major problem.
While natural factors play a role, the speed of this change is unprecedented.
According to NASA’S Goddard Institute for Space Studies, global temperatures have
risen by at least 1.1 degrees Celsius since 1880, with a significant portion of this
escalation witnessed post-1975. Compounding this issue, we are depleting our natural
ecosystems, preventing them from absorbing C0 2 from the atmosphere. As we obliterate
Earth’s natural ecosystems, we not only strip the planet of its natural lungs but also
release carbon previously absorbed by trees and the soil back into the atmosphere.
Currently, one third of our C0 2 emissions stem from deforestation burning, underscoring

the large-scale destruction by humans and its adverse effects on our planet’s climate
and our shared home.
To counteract the impacts of climate change, it is necessary to significantly reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. This can be done in numerous ways:
• Transition to renewable energy: transition away from fossil fuels and towards
renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal power;
• Energy efficiency: improve energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, industry and
agriculture by upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, enhancing insulation, using fuel-
efficient transport systems and optimising industrial processes;
• Electrification of transportation: shifting towards electric vehicles (EVs) in both public
and business sectors;
• Sustainable land use and agriculture: practising reforestation, afforestation and
sustainable agriculture can help sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and
reduce emissions. Agroforestry, conservation tillage, cover cropping and organic
farming can also improve soil health;
• Investment in research and development: the only way to move forward is with
continued investment in this area. Supporting research in areas such as renewable
energy, energy storage, carbon capture and storage and sustainable agriculture can
accelerate the transition to a zero-emission future;
• International cooperation: To get this right for the future requires global cooperation
and coordination. International agreements such as the Paris Agreement, provide a
framework for countries to work together towards climate goals.

By implementing the above strategies in combination and fostering collaboration
between governments, businesses and civil society, it is possible to move towards a
future with zero net greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating the impacts of climate
change and building a more sustainable and resilient world.
Predicting a specific timeline for reaching a critical tipping point is challenging, so the
time to act is now. But this is just the beginning of what awaits humanity as we succumb
to the great waves of change.
The Earth as we know it is changing all around us as it slowly tries to adapt to the
tragic state of artificial evolution brought on by humanity’s greed and lack of empathy
towards each other, our creator God, and the magnificent world along with all the
sentient beings created for the human family.

Climate change is real and has already caused billions of dollars in economic losses
worldwide. The Paris Agreement is a landmark aimed at combatting climate change.
Adopted in December 2015, it came into force on 4 November 2016. One of the
distinctive features about this Agreement is that it allows each country to determine its
own nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
It also emphasises the importance of global cooperation, providing a framework for
countries to work together.
More than three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions come from electricity
consumption, with steel and concrete manufacturing being major contributors. It is clear
how much of the planet relies on electricity — with just the flick of a switch it’s possible to
receive light, power for the appliances we rely on daily, and all very cheaply. Electricity
production, responsible for just over a quarter of emissions, can play a significant role in
solving the climate crisis. By generating clean electricity, we can reduce the burning of
hydrocarbons that emit carbon dioxide. This not only benefits homes and cars but also
energy-intensive factories worldwide, responsible for one-fifth of global carbon
Try as one might, it is extremely difficult to escape leaving a carbon footprint. Your
toothbrush, the clothes and shoes you send your kids to school in, the vacuum, the
hairbrush and cooking utensils you use are all manufactured in carbon-intensive factories.
Fifty-four per cent of the world’s energy goes into producing everyday items, and these
companies must urgently address the matter of decarbonisation.
If we are to give up coal, oil and natural gas, where will our clean electricity come
from? Electricity is cheap and the share of global power that comes from burning coal
(roughly 40 per cent) hasn’t changed in thirty years. In the same time frame, oil and
natural gas together account for around 26 per cent. Fossil fuels provide two-thirds of
the world’s electricity, while solar and wind power together, only 9 per cent.
Since 2019, 236 gigawatts of coal plants have been built around the world, with coal
and natural gas now being the fuels of choice. This is especially prevalent in developing
countries where demand has gone through the roof in the past decades.
China is currently the biggest producer of coal on the planet and tripling its use of coal
power is driving down the cost of a production plant by 75 per cent. They are now
moving to attract new countries such as India, Indonesia, Vietnam and other developing
nations to follow their lead.

Africa, in particular, wishes to leapfrog into the renewable energy age as cheaply as
possible, as it did when the cell phone was introduced. This has attracted investors like
Siemens and Schneider Electric to invest in off-grid solar power there, showing exactly
what is possible in this critical step towards clean electricity.
With existing financial incentives already in place and the World Bank’s RESPITE
initiative — which stands for Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project
covering Western and Central Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Chad, Togo — provides
benefits that spill over and complement existing regional integration within the energy
sector. It is proving that, with cooperative communication, limitless possibilities emerge.
The World Bank states that more than 700,000 solar systems have already been
installed in Sub-Saharan Africa to supply 56 million new customers by 2023. This is a
triumphant positive step for humanity and the race against climate change to reach the
zero-carbon footprint.
With the number of climate-related disasters globally having doubled since the
1990s, and the UN reporting that in the last ten years climate-related disasters have
on average affected 16 million people and financially caused billions of dollars in eco-
damage, the investment in solar systems in Sub-Saharan Africa can only be a good
leap for humanity. However, despite that, nearly 733 million people worldwide still live
without any electricity and, as progress currently stands, 670 million will remain
without it by 2030. The United Nations state that around 2.3 billion people still cook,
heat or light their homes using polluting fuels harming their health and that of the
Renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, can be game-changers for
developing countries with abundant sun and wind resources. The main challenges lie
in land availability and energy storage. The cost of energy storage is high and
requires substantial space, raising safety and security concerns. Transitioning to
clean electricity is crucial for addressing the climate crisis and requires not only
energy production but also efficient storage solutions, an aspect often neglected by
Unlike fossil fuel and nuclear generation, renewables will often produce less power
than required, an extreme case being the lack of solar electricity generated at night.
One of the biggest challenges for renewables will therefore be to deal with the periods
when ‘the sun doesn’t always shine; the wind doesn’t always blow’ as discussed by the
Danish author Jens Martin Skibsted.

‘The sun doesn’t always shine; the wind doesn’t always blow. This is why, if we
want to rely on renewables, we need intelligent systems that integrate and
coordinate different sources of energy at scale so that when one is scarce or

unavailable, the others can automatically compensate.’

Jens Martin Skibsted

Added to this are the already negative effects of climate damage, such as the horrific
drought in Brazil causing the Panama River Basin to cease to be able to provide hydro
power since 2021. They do not possess energy-charged batteries with a backup supply
of electricity to compensate for this loss. Could it be the diminishing tree cover in the
Amazon coupled with soy cultivation and cattle ranching taking its place, are the triggers
to the negative agricultural climate consequences?
Because of the Earth being tilted by approximately 23.5 degrees, there are countries
such as Norway that receive six months of day followed by six months of night. How
would solar power without backup storage of electricity work for such countries? With
net-zero carbon targets requiring almost all energy to be provided by renewable
electricity, this is a major concern.
We must find clarity, objectivity and the determination to challenge our governments.
We must stand up and be heard and state what it is that the people want. Without action
we will continue to lose ourselves in technology while the people we placed in power
drag our planet into an age that humanity will never recover from.
Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing
it in biomass and soil. When we destroy these natural forests, we release this stored
carbon back into the atmosphere. A staggering 17 per cent of the Amazon rainforest
has been cut down to make way for cattle ranches, soy and palm oil farms, logging,
mining and dam construction, often carried out illegally. Palm oil production, in
particular, has been devastating, with environmentalists estimating that as much as 95
per cent of it is produced unlawfully.
In perspective, this 17 per cent figure only scratches the surface of the damage
caused, with Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro (2019–2022), responsible for burning
down two billion trees alone. His administration faced significant scrutiny regarding
environmental policies, particularly in relation to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

Bolsonaro’s approach to environmental protection has been controversial, with critics
accusing him of promoting policies that favour agribusiness and development over
The consequences of deforestation are grim, resulting in reduced rainfall, higher
temperatures, the increased likelihood of future droughts and loss of biodiversity.
Forests are home to an array of plant and animal species, many of which are unique
and endemic to specific regions. By cutting down the trees, you are destroying their
natural habitats which disrupts ecosystems. This can have cascading effects by
reducing pollination, disrupted nutrient cycling and increased susceptibility to invasive
species. All these factors pose significant challenges to Brazil’s agricultural economy,
food production and surplus crop exports.
The effects of deforestation also extend to hydropower generation, affecting the
availability of electricity. Brazil has been subject to severe drought conditions since 2021
as the Panama River Basin has suffered a severe decrease in water. It is a fact that
ships carrying cargo through the Panama Canal have been asked to lighten their loads
after recent droughts seriously depleted the water levels. This has caused 40 million
people across Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay to go without food, fresh water supplies
and has had a negative effect on the generation of hydropower. Since 1978,
approximately one million square kilometres of the Amazon rainforest has been
destroyed across Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and
French Guiana, with far-reaching environmental consequences.
Roger Hallam, a British environmental activist and co-founder of Extinction Rebellion,
speaking in Brussels in 2021, emphasised that the climate crisis isn’t about the
environment; it’s a survival challenge for humanity. Leading scientists who once
believed it was possible to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, now
assert this goal is no longer attainable and physics underscores the global nature of the
Many top scientists worldwide refrain from sounding alarms due to financial interests,
as capitalism fuels extinction. This system breeds inequality and instability by
concentrating power in the hands of a minority, while exploiting the majority. A paper
entitled ‘The Future of the Human Niche 2022’, authored by prominent scientists, warns
that a 1-degree Celsius increase will render areas inhabitable for one billion people in
approximately fifteen years, leading to inevitable social collapse without climate

mitigation or human migration. Every species on Earth has an environmental niche, and
despite technological advances, humans are no exception.
Similar studies have explored how changes in climate could affect where and how
humans can live sustainably on Earth, addressing both current conditions and future
projections. The next decade is projected to bring more significant temperature changes
for most of humanity than the past six millennia, primarily due to land warming faster
than the oceans and increased population growth in hotter regions. The climate crisis
has already put more than 600 people outside of the climate niche, and this number
could rise to a third of the population if the current trajectory continues.
As custodians of this planet, we can’t afford to be in denial, pretending or presuming
others will take positive control to offset this disaster. We must all act now and be
honest with ourselves and with each other. We must learn to communicate openly,
setting aside our affiliations and conflicts. Supporting vulnerable nations to manage
future loss and damage is crucial. We must work together to provide resources to meet
each other’s needs, facing this challenge with compassion, honesty and collective
Genuine compassion and a true awareness of our planet’s current plight has been
sorely lacking and, as a result, there is no immediate hope of any positive progress in
slowing down this manmade disaster. All the gadgets, advanced technology, or prayers
will not save our lives or our planet as we know it today; we have already turned that
corner. It is just a matter of how and when the tipping point comes. Will we as a human
race continue to exist? Will we cease our endless conflicts, unify, and save ourselves and
our planet from subsequent self-destruction?



‘There is enough food in our world for everyone, but we must work together, urgently, to
make this zero-hunger world a reality. In our world of plenty, I will never accept the
death from hunger of a single child, woman or man. When war is waged, people go


António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations

Each night 828 million people go to bed hungry and, since 2019, the number of those facing acute food insecurity has soared from 135 million to 345 million. In
forty-three countries, 49 million people are on the brink of famine, while a third of
the world’s food production, roughly 1.3 billion tons annually, goes to waste. This
uneaten food could feed two billion people, more than twice the number of
undernourished individuals worldwide.
Reducing food waste is crucial for both environmental and humanitarian reasons. If
we become more food conscious about what we buy, the quantities we consume, and
educate others so they become aware of the enormity of food waste, perhaps we can
significantly reduce this problem and contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change with biological systems totally
dependent on weather and climate conditions. As we overwork the soil, its
desertification, degradation and erosion caused by the influence of humans is evident. It
is now time to stop, re-think and correct the damage already done. Farmland is
suffering. In recent decades there have been dramatic changes in the way we farm our
land causing immeasurable accumulative damage to the planet.
Overuse of artificial fertiliser with its wash-off poisoning our oceans, over tilling the
soil and antibiotics used indiscriminately on farmed animals, the loss of natural pest
control and the scarcity of water in certain areas, are all contributory factors.
In the EU, the agricultural sector is responsible for 10 per cent of the greenhouse gases
that cause air pollution. To reduce agricultural air emissions that stem from fertilizer,
fermenting manure and ammonia from livestock, humans must adapt to more sustainable
farming methods.

‘If wasted food were a country, it would be the third

largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world.’
The World Food Programme (WFP)

Decomposing food produces carbon dioxide; and two of the biggest contributors are the
USA and China. Disruptions are already occurring globally, affecting regions struggling
to produce food for themselves and for export. Trade plays a vital role in mitigating the
global food crisis because some countries rely heavily on imported food.
Hunger worldwide is primarily caused by chronic poverty, conflict, economic shocks
and food loss, which not only deprives individuals of sustenance but also undermines
food security by squandering the vital resources required for food production, such as
arable land, fresh water and energy.
As the Earth’s climate continues to undergo significant shifts, the impacts on food
production are becoming increasingly apparent. Both the quality and quantity of our
food supply are being significantly affected by these changes. Rising temperatures,
altered precipitation patterns and more frequent extreme weather events are all
contributing to this global challenge.
It is evident that wetter winters, hotter summers, dwindling water supplies and
changes in rainfall patterns, have substantially impacted our productivity. The reduction
in available and lower-quality food also results in economic downturns. Crops such as
wheat, maize and rice, which are staple foods for much of the world’s population, are
particularly vulnerable to changes in temperature and rainfall, seriously affecting
Soil is a complex ecosystem that contains a wide range of natural nutrients essential
for promoting food production.

• Nitrogen
• Phosphorus
• Potassium
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Sulphur
• Trace elements: iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron

These nutrients are essential for healthy plant growth and should originate naturally
from the soil. However, these have all been severely depleted in recent decades. These

are critical components of our topsoil, which can erode swiftly, losing essential chemical
and biological properties, thereby destroying the natural life forms within it. Factors like
wind erosion, rain runoff — especially on sloping fields — and poor land management
have led to desertification, rendering the land unsuitable for supporting biodiversity
crops, or even grazing animals if not addressed in time. What remains is meagre
grassland that is only suitable for grazing sheep.
Soil degradation, a result of human actions, has been exacerbated by practices that
disregard the long-term consequences. For example, mechanisation, coupled with
excessive fertilizer use on farms, has boosted production but at the expense of soil
health and climate considerations. Productivity and income took precedence.
As the years slip by, the ground will become increasingly difficult to cultivate, with soil
contaminated by antibiotics and methane, lacking the nutrients and topsoil needed for
wholesome, nourishing food production. As the planet warms further, pests that once
plagued warmer countries will encroach on previously unaffected regions. The intensive
farming of animals to boost food production has led to rampant animal diseases,
necessitating routine antibiotic administration, which infiltrates our food chain.
Regions of Asia and Africa, already grappling with high temperatures, will suffer
even more as temperatures continue to rise. As the land becomes arid and
inhabitants struggle to produce food, it is predicted this part of the world could
become uninhabitable within decades. Given that much of Europe’s food supply
depends on these regions, feeding the estimated 3 billion people by 2050 will be a
daunting challenge.
Rice, a staple food source for a third of the global population, yields 10 per cent
less with each 1-degree temperature increase. Human activities continue to affect
farming while neglecting natural processes, and deforestation and land degradation
persist, resulting in dramatic changes in global agriculture.
Maize, or corn in the US, is a paramount staple crop in the context of global nutrition.
This crop is affected by antibiotic stresses as well as from extreme heat and drought
currently exacerbated by climate warming. Biological disruptions and biochemical
abnormalities with sub-optimal water supplies and unusual temperatures, all negatively
impact crop development and yields. Drought alone has reduced wheat and maize
yields by up to 40 per cent worldwide. Antibiotic stress reduces crop yields further and
this is happening all around the world.

In addition to direct impacts on crop production, climate change is also affecting food
distribution and access. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods and
wildfires, can disrupt transportation networks and damage infrastructure, leading to food
shortages and spikes in the prices we pay. Vulnerable populations, including low-income
communities and those living in remote regions, are often hit hardest by these
disruptions, exacerbating food insecurity and malnutrition.
Extreme droughts in the United States and Brazil, two of the world’s largest producers
and exporters of wheat and agricultural products, exacerbate global food security issues
and lead to inflation. Developing countries, with lower coping capacity, are particularly
vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Eight out of ten countries most affected by
extreme weather events are in the lower-middle income category.
Over the past three decades the soil in the Philippines has shown vast variability in
soil moisture content through large scale inter-annual rainfall caused by the EI
Niño–Southern Oscillation (a global phenomenon that emerges from variations in winds
and sea surface temperatures over the tropical Pacific Ocean).
The United Nations stated that climate change was also the cause of drought in Syria
from 2006–2011. This was responsible for the 75 per cent crop failure and 85 per cent
death rate in livestock leading to civil war and 1.5 million Syrians migrating.
Anthropogenic activities have and will continue to have devastating effects unless we
heed the warning signs.
Addressing the challenges posed by climate change to food production requires
coordinated efforts at local, national and global levels. Strategies such as developing
climate-resilient crop varieties, implementing sustainable agricultural practices and
investing in climate-smart infrastructure, are essential for safeguarding food security in a
changing climate. Additionally, promoting dietary diversion and reducing food waste can
help mitigate the impact of climate change on nutrition and ensure a more sustainable
food future for all of us.


Conflicts can have profound and multifaceted effects on food supply and production, impacting both immediate access to food and the long-term capacity
to produce it.
War itself has affected 60 per cent of the world’s undernourished population, with ten
countries, including Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of The Congo and Ethiopia
being home to most of the 140 million people suffering from acute hunger in 2021.
The Ukraine crisis compounded the existing food crisis caused by climate change and
the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a drastic increase in the number of people facing
starvation, from 80 million to 323 million. Ukraine plays a crucial role in feeding 400
million people by exporting over 50 per cent of its grain, so when Russia invaded in July
of 2022 market volatility occurred.
The United Nations is working to reopen ports in the Odessa region to ensure safe
maritime humanitarian corridors for the thirty-six countries that depend on Ukrainian
grain imports. Failure to do so could lead to famine, political instability and mass
migration, a crisis that concerns not just the directly involved parties but the world at
large. For example, Pakistan is at risk of food shortages because it relies heavily on
wheat and fertilizer from Ukraine.
The recent Iran/Israel conflict also has the potential to exacerbate food poverty
through disruption of trade and supply chains, impact on economy, displacement of
refugees, damage to their agriculture and also humanitarian access constraints.
However, wars over resources are nothing new. For millennia humans have fought over
land but as climate change takes a hold of our planet and the Earth becomes hotter and
drier with desertification and deforestation, there will be even more failed crops and
displacement of humans. It is inevitable that humans will go to war over the second most
precious resource after clean air which is water. Without a shift in our approach to
managing this vital resource and our interactions with one another, history portends a
future marred by intense conflicts and brutal wars for its control.
Destruction of crops and livestock caused directly through conflict from looting,
burning or intentional destruction, can have an immediate effect on food availability and
also disrupts future food production cycles.

Without immediate, coordinated global action by world leaders and national
governments, human suffering worldwide will increase dramatically as people continue to
fight with one another. Climate disruptions, fertilizer shortages and record-low cooking oil
and grain reserves are erasing decades of global economic progress. The tripling of
fertilizer prices due to restrictions on natural gas production worsens the situation.
Addressing conflicts and their underlying causes is crucial for the long-term solutions to
food insecurity.
With the Earth being 95 per cent water and high rainfall in significant parts of the world,
how can it be possible there would ever be a shortage of water? Yet there are currently
771 million people without clean drinking water and that number is growing because of
rivers drying up. In the not-so-distant future, water will become the world’s most
precious commodity, its value surpassing even that of gold. With populations soaring
and climates shifting unpredictably, access to clean, potable water becomes
increasingly scarce. Nations once rich in freshwater reserves will find themselves
grappling with severe shortages, while others will face the harsh reality of desertification
and contamination.
As industries, agriculture and urban centres vie for dwindling supplies, conflicts will
erupt, echoing across borders. Innovations in desalination and water recycling offer
glimmers of hope, yet the disparity between those who possess water and those who do
not will widen, igniting tensions and reshaping global power dynamics. In this brave new
world, the ability to secure, conserve and equitably distribute water will become not just
a matter of survival, but a defining challenge of humanity’s collective future.
Since the 1960s, Turkey has had strained political relations with Syria and Iraq
because of unilateral irrigation plans altering the basin flow of the rivers Euphrates and
Tigris. Even today disputes have prevented their governments from coming to any
effective formal agreement on co-management. The UN predicts that by 2050, two-
thirds of the global population will be living in water-scarce areas which is a serious
threat to the survival of the human family and other mindful beings we share this planet
Studies confirm that agriculture, both domestic and abroad, will continue to face
increasing risks associated with water availability, which in itself will cause more
socioeconomic pressure concerning food production. Feeding people in the future will
be an extreme problem compared to today, creating more social unrest and skirmishes.

The need to prevent war will become our number one priority as we try to avoid a
conflict so cataclysmic there is estimated be a death toll greater than World War One
and World War Two put together. This will affect even the wealthy nations as
government leaders fail to move proactively into the future, often unwilling to express
their true views through fear of being forced to resign. This is exactly what happened to
the climate-conscious Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, who served from
2015 to 2018. He was just trying to honour the Paris Agreement but his more moderate
stances on several environmental key issues conflicted with the majority of his party,
hence forcing his resignation.
Wealthier nations that have access to the sea have built desalination plants to provide
drinking water and there are currently 17,000 of these worldwide. Desalination provides
drinkable water, but the process is energy-intensive and costly. It also threatens sea life
as the extracted salt is pumped back into the sea increasing its salinity, killing marine
organisms and harming sea life. This in turn affects the fishing and trawling businesses.
The whole process would become complicated if we were to manage it in an Earth-
friendly way.
Additionally, humans have increasingly polluted the seas and oceans with oil,
discarded rubbish from fishing gear to faeces and enormous amounts of plastic. In the
future, it won’t be a matter of perspective, who you vote for or which religion you follow
– humanity will need to set aside its differences, countries will need to put aside their
past conflicts, judgements and inbred hatred for one other. The future will be a time
where we must unite, working together, inspiring each other, sharing as we contribute to
each other individually.
Today there are 2.3 billion people lacking basic sanitation or access to fresh water in
this world, so it no surprise how many wars and skirmishes there are over access to, or
the control of, this life-sustaining resource.
It is also predicted that in approximately five years, 700 million people around the
world will be forced into displacement because of water scarcity. People and the Earth’s
creatures can’t live without water, so the choice is to move where there is water, or fight.
Historically we know of 1,300 conflicts over water. More recently the 2017 drought
across Yemen, South Sudan and Somalia put more than 20 million people at risk, while in
the Darfur region of Sudan, fighting broke out competing for land and water. The violence
resulted in thousands of innocent people being killed or displaced. Environmental

degradation and ethnic marginalisation, manipulation and exploitation must stop. We
need to share without bias.
On the Blue Nile the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa has been built. It cost
billions and has a 6,000-megawatt capacity, which is the equivalent of six nuclear power
stations. However, Sudan and Egypt rely heavily on water flowing from the Blue Nile
and see the power plant as a threat. Since the first brick was placed in 2011, Egypt has
opposed the project. The leaders of Egypt were caught on camera threatening to
destroy the Dam by using their air force to bomb it.
This could have so easily created a war between Egypt and Ethiopia and, if either, or
both sides, were supported by other regions, the conflict would have escalated. In 2018,
Ethiopian, Simegnew Bekele, the Chief Civil Engineer and face of the dam project, was
found dead in his vehicle. The incident was written off as suicide but there was much
adverse speculation as to it being murder.
The Ethiopian President, Abiy Ahmed, warned:

‘No force can stop Ethiopia from building a dam. If there is
need to go to war, we could get millions readied.’

In 2022, the dam was completed and is now in operation providing Ethiopia with
approximately 60 per cent of its power but, because of its size, it will take between five
and ten years for the dam reservoir to fill up entirely.
As more and more drought spreads throughout the Earth we can expect to see great
change in the natural flow of many of the great rivers and we can only speculate as to
what the future holds if humanity does not learn to share.
Charles Iceland is Director of Freshwater Initiatives with World Resources Institute
(WRI)’s Food, Land and Water programme. He has been recorded as saying how the
planet is seeing a lot more floods and droughts as predicted by climate scientists
decades ago. Increasing global temperatures are causing more water to evaporate
which changes the water cycle causing heavier rainfall in some areas and increased
drought in others.
The least developed countries are receiving the brunt of the climate problem and the
wealthier countries are suffering from too many people and lack of resources, placing a
strain on the resources they do have.

In America there are constant fights between different states over their access to
water, as they end up fighting over the dwindling levels from the same river. Wells are
drying up in California; the Colorado River is reducing to a dribble and the levels of Lake
Mead and Lake Powell, the two largest reservoirs in the United States, are at record
lows. Although this has not yet led to physical violence, it has led to legal court battles.
Also in California, there is a ‘water market’ where buyers and sellers of ‘water rights’ do
just that.
As the planet continues to warm up and drought becomes more common, this is likely
to create a speculative financial market asset worldwide, but it could be life-threatening
for many who live in the poorer regions of the world. Without great consideration, the
negative consequences, directly or indirectly, of treating water as a financial asset and
not a resource, will have extremely dire consequences on humanity’s existence. How
long will it be before we see more of the developed, wealthier western countries turning
to violence as water becomes more and more scarce?
In recent years, the water in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin has dramatically reduced the
death of millions of people. In India’s Northern Plains, villagers regularly clash over
water scarcity as the population growth and high levels of irrigation needed are draining
the availability of valuable groundwater.
The rivers Indus, Ganges and Sutlej all originate from the Tibetan side of the border
and are vital water supplies to both India and Pakistan. These rivers are examples of
transboundary water resources, meaning they cross one or more international
boundaries. This creates a complex dynamic, especially considering the geopolitical
tensions that sometimes exist between India and Pakistan. Managing these water
resources is crucial for regional stability, food security, and the health of the ecosystems
dependent on these river systems. All three rivers are crucial for both countries’
agriculture, drinking water, and hydroelectric power generation. They support the
livelihoods of millions of people.
The Indus Water Treaty, is an agreement formed in 1960 between India and Pakistan
and is pivotal in managing the use of these rivers. It allocates the waters of the Indus
and its tributaries, including the Sutlej, between the two countries, underscoring the
strategic importance of these rivers in regional politics and economics.
In 2022, skirmishes between India and China over claims to upstream areas left twenty
Indian soldiers dead. China and India are showing increasing signs of war since Beijing
built a ‘super hydropower dam’ in Tibet. This dam, built on a section of the Brahmaputra

River, upstream from India, increases India’s dependence on its neighbour because it
impedes the natural water supply.
Additionally, many other areas will become flooded or totally submerged. China has to
date, dammed almost every major river on the Tibetan plateau with media reports
saying that China’s intention is to create a ‘hydro-hegemony’ by trying to dominate the
water economy and ecology in south and south-east Asia.
A machine has been developed to predict conflicts before they happen. This Global
Early Warning Tool, developed by Water, Peace & Security Partnership, has been 86
per cent accurate in predicting conflicts before they happen. It works by combining data
about rainfall, crop failures, population density, wealth, agricultural production, levels of
corruption, drought and flooding. It is currently warning there are around 2,000 hotspots
of potential conflicts around the world.
The richer nations need to share with the poorer nations to assure greater stability.
We will need to preserve our resources by controlling our consumption, but it is only
possible if we all pull together. We cannot continue to pillage our world as if there was
no future to be concerned about. We will need to become a one-world community.
Nature will force this adaptation upon us and for the human family to survive we will
have to work with greater compassion, kindness and cooperation.



The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world.

It provides our food, water and air.

It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.

Sir David Attenborough

Humanity is entering a new world, a world of great environmental change with violent and unpredictable weather. The future will be a humanitarian crisis on a
scale never experienced before, leaving millions of people displaced, unable to
grow food because the soil is polluted or because of famine and war. This new world will
be unbalanced, with terrible political and economic difficulties and differences. The
people will start revolutions as governments continue to let their nations down.
Economies that were once great and powerful will fail.
We must start to adapt to this changing world and prepare for a future that will be very
different from today. The global population has been steadily increasing due to
advances in child immunisation and healthcare, leading to a decline in infant mortality
rates. Improvements in diet, sanitation, housing and disease control have also extended
our life expectancy. However, the rapid growth of the human population poses a severe
threat, as our consumption of the planet’s resources outpaces its ability to replenish
them. This overpopulation will strain agricultural resources, leading to famine and
conflicts over essentials, particularly water, resulting in poverty, civil strife and global
discord. Due to advances in medicines and technology the ageing population presents
significant challenges for healthcare systems worldwide.
We cannot continue on our current trend of destruction. We must stop polluting our
streams, rivers and oceans, the air, hedgerows and countryside, and start to take
responsibility. We must teach our children the value of Mother Earth and to respect their
surroundings. They must be accountable for their actions and responsible in the way
they live. Governments must prepare their people for what is coming over the horizon.
Mankind is showing nothing but decadence and ignorance of what is happening in the
world around them.

Humanity, throughout its history, from small indigenous groups to modern city
societies, has witnessed the rise of diverse religions, languages and a multitude of
challenges such as sorrow, shame, tragedy, war, famine and pandemics. These
adversities, part of natural selection, have shaped the evolution of the human family and
the development of a more civilised world, albeit imperfect. However, we, the human
race, are now confronted with a pressing issue: environmental decline caused by
excessive exploitation of Earth’s resources. We are unable to support the ever-growing
population and need to be aware we are already borrowing from future generations.
Below are just some examples of how we are affecting our environment:
Microplastics are having a profound impact on our environment, ecosystems, and
potentially human health in several ways. Efforts to understand and mitigate the effects
of microplastics are ongoing, including improving waste management systems,
developing biodegradable alternatives, and enhancing public awareness and
As just one example, the oceans are polluted with our plastic, and microplastic is
being found ingested by our fish, sea birds and even humans. Microplastics are tiny
particles of plastic, typically measuring less than 5 millimetres in size, that have
permeated nearly every corner of our world, posing a multifaceted threat to ecosystems,
wildlife and human health. These tiny pollutants can aso be ingested by humans in
various ways: contaminated food and water, airborne particles, food packaging, food
processing and microplastic contamination in the environment. The implications of
microplastic ingestion are still an area of active research and the full extent of their
impact on human health is not yet clear.
Raw Sewage and other general discarded waste ejected into our seas and rivers are
also causing major pollution. As the changing climate unnaturally overheats the water it
causes great damage to our natural habitat. Raw sewage contains a variety of
pollutants, including pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, as well as
nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. These pollutants can lead to water quality
degradation, making the water unsafe for swimming, fishing and other recreation activities
as was recently witnessed by the infamous Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race. Such
pathogens can pose significant risks to human health if people come into contact with

contaminated water. Waterborne diseases such as gastroenteritis, cholera and hepatitis
can be transmitted through untreated sewage. We hear more and more on the news
about temporary beach closures and other recreational areas due to health concerns,
impacting directly on tourism and the revenue reliant on it.
Corals reefs are highly sensitive ecosystems that are significantly affected by global
warming. They are affected by rising sea temperatures, acidification, extreme weather
events, sea level rise, ocean current changes and the impact of biodiversity. The effects
are dire with many coral reefs around the world experiencing increased instances of
bleaching, declining health and, in some cases, large-scale die-offs. Efforts to mitigate
the impact of global warming includes reducing carbon emissions to slow down the
pace of warming, creating marine protected areas and implementing coral restoration
and conservation programmes.
New research demonstrates that planting new coral in degraded reefs can prompt swift
recovery, with restored reefs matching the growth rate of healthy reefs within just four
years. The study, conducted in Indonesia where reefs face significant threats like
destructive blast fishing, focused on the Mars Coral Reef Restoration Programme. This
initiative aims to revive degraded reefs by transplanting coral fragments onto
interconnected ‘Reef Stars’.
Researchers from the University of Exeter, in collaboration with Indonesian and
international partners, monitored the reefs’ recovery, particularly focusing on their
carbonate budgets — a crucial indicator of reef health and functionality. Results showed that
within four years of coral transplantation, coral cover, colony sizes and carbonate
production rates tripled, rendering the restored reefs nearly indistinguishable from healthy
ones. Although the restored reefs showed similar growth rates and provided comparable
habitat and protection benefits, they exhibited a different coral community composition due
to the mix of coral types used in transplantation. Despite this, the findings highlight the
potential for active management strategies to bolster reef resilience and restore vital
ecosystem functions. The collaborative effort not only advanced scientific understanding
but also contributed to capacity building for local scientists in Indonesia.
As the Earth’s climate undergoes rapid and unnatural warming, it has significant
repercussions on the melting of sea ice and glaciers. This melting process dilutes the

salinity of the North Atlantic, which in turn impacts the density of the seawater
responsible for driving the Gulf Stream. If the water becomes insufficiently dense to
sink, it could result in a slowdown or eventual shutdown of the entire Gulf Stream. The
ocean is a significant influence on our planet’s weather and climate. With the ocean
covering 70 per cent of our global surface, it continuously exchanges heat, moisture and
carbon with the atmosphere, driving our weather patterns and influencing our current
climate problem, exacerbating the human-made negative impacts on our natural habitat.
Scientists say due to the extra C0 2 that has been pumped into the atmosphere, the
ocean acidification has increased by 30 per cent compared to pre-industrial levels. If we
ignore these warnings, carrying on as if nothing is happening, it is thought this
acidification will increase to at least 120 per cent by 2100.
The latest estimate shows that the Arctic ice is melting so fast that by 2039 there is
the likelihood there will be no ice coverage at all during the Arctic summer. For some
nations this is exciting and good news because mineral extraction and transportation
through areas that would normally be blocked with ice is made easy. The negative side
is mass flooding and the displacement of millions of people, many of whom are in poor
countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. We only have to watch the news to see
the constant devastation caused by flooding around the world.
One recent incident occurred in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is located
in a desert region with limited natural water bodies and relatively low annual rainfall.
However, when they had a recent storm which saw a year’s rainfall in one day, the city’s
infrastructure, including drainage systems and urban planning, were not adequately
equipped to handle the sudden influx of water.
Permafrost refers to a layer of soil, sediment, or rock that remains continuously frozen
for at least two consecutive years, typically found in polar regions or high mountainous
areas, mainly in Siberia, Russia, the Tibetan Plateau, Alaska, Northern Canada,
Greenland and parts of Scandinavia. There are also continental shelves below the
Arctic Ocean which were exposed during the last Ice Age that contain permafrost.
It acts as a massive freezer, preserving ancient organic matter and regulating the flow
of water in ecosystems. However, with global warming, permafrost thawing poses
significant environmental challenges, releasing greenhouse gases and altering

Recent studies show that permafrost carbon release has been poorly understood.
1,035 billion tons of organic carbon are stored in the upper three metres of the Arctic
permafrost soils; this is sufficient to overwhelm our ability to keep global temperatures
below 2 degrees Celsius.
Scientists have proved that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the
planet, at a temperature change rate that has not been observed in over 2,000 years. In
2016, the annual average surf temperature was 3.5 degrees Celsius warmer than it was
at the start of the century. Also in that year, permafrost in the Arctic hit a record of being
the warmest ever to date. In Alaska it had warmed 2 degrees Celsius over the last few
decades. For every 1-degree Celsius increase in temperature, 1.5 million square miles
could be thawing.
In Alaska’s icy depths lie 793 gigagrams of mercury, surpassing 15 million US gallons
or the volume of 23 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This toxic metal is ensconced within
the frozen permafrost and layers of soil above it. Across the entirety of the northern
hemisphere’s permafrost, an estimated 1,656 gigagrams of mercury lay dormant,
enough to fill 50 Olympic-sized swimming pools — nearly double the combined amount
found in the ocean and atmosphere. Representing a quarter of our planet’s permafrost,
the Northern Hemisphere’s landmass harbours this vast reservoir.
Disturbingly, projections indicate that by 2100, 30–99 per cent of Arctic permafrost
may thaw, unleashing a portion of this mercury into our atmosphere. Such an event
would trigger a global ecological catastrophe and pose grave threats to human health.
Once released, mercury unleashes a cascade of environmental and health concerns,
from air pollution to the transformation into methylmercury (a very poisonous form of
In a thirty-two-week controlled scientific study of sixteen sections of peat from
Lapland, the carbon released into the atmosphere peaked then slowed down. Methane
was not released in abundance and in dry conditions could be used as a methane sink,
a highly important discovery that may help countries in a future melting crisis.
Climate change can and is making many natural environmental issues worse.
Mercury is a naturally-occurring element that bonds with organic matter and when
converted to methylmercury becomes a potent neurotoxicant. Permafrost stores twice
as much mercury as all other soils, the ocean and the atmosphere combined and what
happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. Releasing the anticipated mercury
levels could lead to a long-lasting global crisis, underscoring the urgent need to ratify

the Paris Agreement and the Minamata Convention on Mercury — the most recent global
agreement on environment and health, adopted in 2013 — in order to mitigate this
significant worldwide issue affecting our aquatic ecosystems.
Thawing of the permafrost also causes the release of methane gas which has been
stored there for millions of years. When it resurfaces and goes into the atmosphere it
absorbs heat energy and then radiates it back to the Earth’s surface. Methane is twenty-
five times more powerful than carbon dioxide by volume. Consequently, the rising
concentrations of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere is also, and dramatically, causing
the temperature of the Earth’s surface to increase. Scientists have also found a link with
increased amounts of methane causing more rain and flooding in certain areas of the
world. This rain is forming tropical wetlands which breed microbes that also liberate
methane into the atmosphere, thereby creating a methane feedback loop.
Science has proved beyond doubt that this is not a natural occurrence, and that the
melting permafrost is not in equilibrium with the present climate. Some site
measurements have shown that climate warming since the last third of the 19th century
has caused depths to more than 100 metres (328 feet) of permafrost to be unnaturally
The melting of the ice from the West and East Antarctic ice sheets and from other
glaciers would result in massive life-threatening rising of sea levels. This would create
catastrophic disaster for over 680 million people who reside or live near low-lying
coastal areas around the world. This number is expected to top one billion by 2050.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Arctic is
warming at twice the global average rate since 2000. US Ocean and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) also predicts by 2100 the rising of sea levels will create the
displacement of approximately 13 million Americans alone.
The problem is that the statistics become outdated before the ink has dried on the
paper. Coastal communities are one of the fastest growing, making it impossible to
gauge an accurate prediction of the amount of people that will be affected by this



This planet’s natural Arctic ecosystem makes the ground watertight and maintains vast networks of wetlands and lakes across the Arctic tundra, providing habitat for
numerous animals and plants. It currently stores around 1.5 trillion metric tons of
organic carbon, created by the remains of ancient life encased in its frozen soils for over
100,000 years. This is twice as much as the Earth’s atmosphere currently holds.
There are also remnants of bacterial diseases that can and will be re-animated when
they thaw and are released back into our atmosphere. In 2016, a notable incident
occurred in the Siberian region of Russia where the melting of permafrost led to the
exposure of a reindeer carcass that had been frozen for decades. This reindeer was
carrying Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria responsible for anthrax, a serious infectious
disease. Over 2,000 reindeer were reported to have died and dozens of people
hospitalised, including children, with confirmed cases of anthrax.
This incident was a wake-up call regarding the consequences of climate change.
While some bacteria will not survive, scientists have proved some most definitely will.
Many of these were around before humans were on the Earth which means current
human life would have absolutely no immunity to them.
John Hutlin, a Swedish microbiologist, wished to research the 1918 outbreak of the
pandemic virus also known as Spanish Flu, one of the most devastating outbreaks of
disease in human history. With the permission of the Alaskan village called Brevig
Mission, Hutlin exhumed bodies from a mass ice grave site of 1918 flu victims. The
permafrost had preserved the bodies and, crucially, the viral RNA. His discovery was
vital to finding the genetic sequence to the virus, allowing researchers to find out what
made it so lethal.
Scientists also expect to find the bubonic plague and smallpox trapped beneath the
surface of the Siberian ice, along with other pandemics, plagues and infectious bacteria
known only to the relics of time and history. But there is certainly no doubt that the
warming of our climate is melting these ice sheets, permafrost, and the soil above it,
unleashing more threats than humanity is prepared for.
Many theorists before me have claimed climate change is part of a natural process, a
transition that it is an inevitable part of our planet’s evolution. However, this is simply not

true, we are facing a future reality that we are simply not adapted to cope with. Our
bodies quite simply cannot fight off bacteria and viruses that they are not accustomed
There is also the added expectation that pests that decimate our crops will start to
invade other countries due to the changes in various climates. Epidemiologists across
the world are already seeing signs of diseases spreading from their original location. In
the past a pandemic could not travel further than its victims. It may wipe out a town or
village or sometimes decimate a continent, but it generally did not concern those on the
other side of the world from the source.
Ecosystems allowed us to know where some bugs thrived, and others did not, hence
the need for specific inoculations when you went on holiday to certain parts of the globe.
But with today’s global warming we are witnessing more and more people falling victim
to a disease that has no right being in that vicinity or the country it is invading.
One example of this is Yellow Fever, which was originally limited to the Amazon Basin
where the particular mosquitos which spread this killer disease once thrived quietly
minding their own business. Unless you lived or travelled deep into the Amazon jungle
you were not going to encounter this particular breed of mosquito or the Yellow Fever
they spread. Today, we are seeing these borders disappear as the warmer weather is
allowing the mosquito to travel out of the Rain Forest and infect people around the
country’s megalopolises, killing between 3 and 8 per cent of those infected. This is just
a single example of a killer disease that one breed of mosquito carries as it migrates to
ever warming parts of the globe, when in the past it had been isolated through the
planet’s natural ecosystem. However, rising temperatures are expanding these vector-
borne diseases carried by the mosquito and ticks. These include malaria, dengue fever,
Zika virus, Lyme disease and West Nile virus. It is the warmer and more humid
conditions that allow these vectors to thrive in regions where they were previously non-
Increased rainfall leading to flooding, risks higher incidences of water-borne diseases
like cholera and leptospirosis. These conditions facilitate the spread of pathogens in
water supplies and increase the risk of exposure among populations.
The higher temperatures are also seeing a rise in food-borne pathogens such as
Salmonella and Campylobacter. Places where refrigeration is scarce and traditional
food safety measures are not adhered to, higher cases of food poisoning outbreaks are
being witnessed.

Our elderly, in particular, are being affected by heat-related illnesses putting extra strain
on our already stretched medical facilities. Heatstroke and heart-related illnesses are
becoming more common, posing significant health risks to not just the elderly, but also
those with pre-existing health conditions as our summers get hotter.
The globalisation of pandemic diseases represents just one of the imminent and lethal
health challenges humanity faces in the future. Furthermore, due to the same
underlying factors, there has been a significant shift in the migration of crop pests and
pathogens from one country to another. This migration refers to the movement of
insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses and other organisms that are known to decimate our
crops. This movement can occur over short or long distances and is driven by a variety
of environmental factors.
This ongoing issue has been well-documented by scientists, who attribute the
movement of these pests to the global trade in agricultural products. Undoubtedly,
global warming is currently responsible for the surge in wheat pests, leading to food
losses on a global scale. At present, with 800 million people experiencing hunger and
the world’s population expected to reach approximately 10 billion, the escalation of pest-
related crop damage will only worsen the planet’s food production problems, resulting in
millions more suffering from malnutrition and hunger. Unless we take effective measures
to address the root causes of this issue, it is anticipated that the future will witness a 50
per cent increase in crop destruction compared to today.
Southeast Asia and Africa are predicted to suffer particularly through this manmade
disaster. With much of Europe’s foods deriving from these countries it is expected that 3
billion people will need feeding by 2050. Rice production is both a victim and a
contributor to the negative effects of climate change and, as it is a staple food for more
than half the world’s population, something needs to be done. Drought, floods, salt
water and extreme temperatures devastate rice crops affecting the livelihoods of 144
million smallholder rice farmers each growing season.
Overall, climate change acts as a force multiplier for disease spread, complicating
global public health responses and requiring integrated strategies that consider
environmental, social and economic factors.



Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of wildfires all over the world and human-caused fires on the edge of wildland areas have also increased
partly due to climate change.
Historically, wildfires have played an important ecological role in clearing the forest
floor of dead organic material by killing infestations and disease and adding nutrition to
the soil. They also allow sunlight to penetrate densely forested areas. However, when
this natural cycle is disturbed by climate change, and fires become more frequent and
much larger, there are many serious consequences beyond the death toll of humans
and wildlife. Carbon emissions from these massive wildfires negatively affect climate
and drive climate-related events which contribute to yet more wildfires.
Dry wood combusts more easily during droughts, while damp wood gives off more
emissions which are harmful to breathe and damaging for the planet, again affecting
climate change. However, there are some woods that even when dry, produce toxicity
and poison into the atmosphere when burnt. These include laburnum, poison oak, poison
sumac, poisonwood and the Brazilian pepper tree. If dead or dry wood has greenery on it,
that will also cause major pollution and if poison ivy and/or the above-named trees are
burnt, even as dry wood, poison in the form of urushiol is released into the atmosphere
which is highly toxic.
The Global Fire Emissions Database shows that the California wildfires of 2020
generated more than 91 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. This is 30 million metric
tons more carbon dioxide emissions than the state emits annually from power
However, it isn’t only California having massive out of control wildfires, there are
increased numbers of them as well as much larger ones in other States — Alaska,
Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon and Washington — just as examples.
Additionally, other countries across the world including Albania, Algeria, Australia,
Canada, Cypress, France, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, Greece and Tunisia have been
having major fires due to the change in our climate and unprecedented temperatures.
This is disturbing the natural order of regeneration in a massive and dangerous way as

it is much harder for ecosystems to re-establish when the scale of damage is so
Climate change wildfires are on an immense scale and last considerably longer. They
throw the natural order out of sync. Some forests have been severely reduced or
destroyed forever, changing the land into prairies or grassland. Fires burning through
dense peatlands are even worse for the environment because methane gas as well as
carbon dioxide is released into the air, once again exacerbating global warming.
Ecosystems are being changed through terrible damage.
Climate change fires are, without a doubt, going to become increasingly common
throughout the world as the planet gets warmer and drier, and humanity will need to
adapt accordingly. The effects will be degraded air quality, loss of lives, infrastructure
damage, insurance problems and irreversible damage to the planet. With climate
change we are entering a new realm, and be aware that unnatural global warming is not
going away.
As we grapple with the ferocity of our changing planet, scientists predict record heat
and drought conditions making vegetation more flammable, which in turn will bring
wildfires twice as destructive as any historical average within a mere thirty years. Each
year around the world thousands die from wildfires and at least 33,000 from the
pollution caused by them. No longer are the fires only in the countries with a hotter
climate or the damage restricted to that specific area.
Apart from massive air pollution, soot is being carried vast distances. Some has been
found in Sweden’s Arctic Circle on the ice where it absorbs more of the Sun’s rays than it
would if it had fallen on soil. This increases the unnatural speed of the melting further still.
Addressing global warming and the increased frequency and severity of forest fires is
a complex and urgent challenge that requires concerted efforts at local, national and
global levels. We all need to take heed and learn ways to reduce the risks of these
devastating fires. However, it is not just down to the individual, it requires collective
action from governments, businesses, communities and individuals. Governments can
play a critical role in setting policies and regulations, while individuals can make a
difference through sustainable choices and advocacy for climate action. Collaboration
and long-term commitment are essential if we are to mitigate the impacts of devastating
forest fires.

The ozone layer, found in the Earth’s stratosphere, serves as a protective shield against
harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. However, certain human-made
chemicals called ozone-depleting substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
halons, have been released into the atmosphere via refrigeration and air conditioning
units, aerosols, foam blowing agents and solvents and cleaning agents. These
substances break down ozone molecules, leading to the formation of ‘holes’ or areas of
depleted ozone concentration.
The most well-known ozone hole forms annually over Antarctica during the Southern
Hemisphere’s spring. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the presence of polar
stratospheric clouds and leads to a significant decrease in ozone levels over the region.
The depletion of the ozone layer has serious consequences, as increased UV
radiation can harm human health by causing skin cancer, cataracts and weakened
immune systems. It can also impact ecosystems, affecting plant growth, marine life, and
the overall balance of various ecosystems.
Efforts to address ozone depletion, such as the Montreal Protocol, have been largely
successful in phasing out the production and use of ozone-depleting substances.
However, it will still take decades for the ozone layer to fully recover due to the long
lifespan of these substances in the atmosphere. Continued monitoring and international
cooperation are essential to protect and restore the ozone layer.


Tipping points mean different things to different people. For numerous individuals, a tipping point occurs when a culmination of minor or significant alterations abruptly
precipitates a pivotal transformation. Usually, we cannot identify a tipping point
until we have passed it. One of the best demonstrations of this is in the behaviour of
Within the infinite complexity of living systems, different organisms depend on each
other and one break in the chain can bring rapid change to the others linked within it. A
prime example of this is the negative impact on marine life due to the concentrated
brine solution discharged into the ocean from desalination plants.
Change is caused by various reasons, including capitalist leadership from those in
power. This will also be a tipping point and society must stand up and do something to
be heard. This is when revolutions become likely. Thatcher had to listen to her people
over the council tax marches and Gandhi by the English in his beloved country India.
Both of these examples had reached a tipping point before action was taken.
Geologists call the current world period the ‘Anthropocene Age’. In brief, this refers to
a proposed geological epoch characterised by significant human impact on the Earth’s
geology and ecosystems. Some argue that the Anthropocene began with the Industrial
Revolution in the late 18th century, marked by significant increases in carbon dioxide
emissions, industrialisation, urbanisation and global trade. Whenever it started, it is
because the human species has vastly increased its numbers, power and force on the
These people have gone on to exploit the natural, often irreplaceable resources of the
Earth, upsetting established ecosystems which has led to the extinction of countless
species. This has changed the chemistry of the land and air of the Earth in ways we
have yet to understand.
Our climate has been destabilised and we can only guess at the consequences.
Because humanity is more interconnected than ever before, the problems created will
have a global snowball effect. What, if anything, can we do about all this? Can we
discern future tipping points?

Some politicians call for more respect for market forces, and argue about the effects
of inflation or deflation, the supply of money and the need for growth. Others are
painfully aware of the wider issues concerning the environment in all its aspects.
As a race, we have non-negotiation rights; meaning every human has a right to say
‘NO’ to their government. Civil resistance is needed now, we are not being listened to,
and capitalism is the main agenda of most of our leading governments not the future of
the planet or our children. If we are to avoid the outcome as depicted by George Orwell
in his book 1984, we must act now. Orwell depicted a dystopian world where
totalitarianism reigns supreme. It was set in the future under the rule of the Party, led by
the enigmatic figure known as Big Brother. In this world individuality is suppressed and
citizens are subjected to constant monitoring by the Thought Police, who punish any
form of dissent or independent thought.
Do we really want to end up like that?
We are already at a tipping point, according to NASA-led studies, because the world’s
freshwater sources are being drained faster than they are being replenished.
Underground reservoirs are receding from India, China and the USA. It is estimated that
within three decades almost 80 per cent of the ground water that land depends on will
start to run dry. The problem isn’t just extreme weather with droughts and rising global
temperatures; the world is overpopulating globally and potentially worse catastrophic
climate change will come in the future causing the natural water resources to run out
It is estimated that 1.8 million children under the age of five die each year due to
water-related diseases. Unmanaged wastewater disposal is destroying environments
worth trillions of dollars worldwide. We are part of one ecosystem (the biosphere) that
relies on plants and animals, therefore it is necessary that we learn to share and
correctly manage these precious resources. It is also worth pointing out that this
precious life-sustaining resource takes a great deal of time, energy and money to make
fit for human consumption.
Additionally, if we have water in bottles, each bottle requires fossil fuels to make it, for
example, a litre bottle uses a quarter of a litre of oil. All these processes contribute more
C0 2 to our Earth’s atmosphere which in turn create more negative loops that cause
climate change. Massive numbers of empty bottles end up in our seas and oceans
polluting them and our marine life further.

Dams obstruct the natural flow of rivers which threaten the water’s biodiversity
because it completely changes the ecosystem, the natural life of the rivers we’re so
dependent upon. Examples of this already happening are the Amazon and Paraná
rivers in South America. It is the seasonable variability of the water flowing within them
that controls their ecologies, then, after damaging this flow, humans pollute the water
with their waste.
I can only reiterate, many parts of our world are already facing water restrictions, with
a knock-on effect of reduced food production. We are witnessing the battle lines being
drawn as various powerful nations are preparing for positions of control. China is
threatening to invade Taiwan, Russia has already invaded Ukraine, the ongoing conflict
in Israel-Gaza, and various countries are building dams of colossal size to take control
of the great rivers to control the water of nations further down its flow. An example being
the Mekong which originates in the Tibetan Plateau and flows through Western China
before reaching Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar. The impact of China changing
the natural flow of this magnificent river upstream significantly impacts those countries
whose survival also depends on this water downstream.
As more and more drought spreads throughout the Earth we can expect to see great
change in the natural flow of many of the great rivers and we can only speculate as to
what the future holds if humanity does not learn to share.



Some people believe that scientists have become advocates who manipulate data to emphasise impending disasters while ignoring contradictory information. Does
this mean that scientists are taking on the role of the politician or being hired by
politicians for spin doctoring? Regardless, it is clear that public trust in scientists is
eroding. It is crucial to make the public recognise the reality of man-made climate
change and its current impact. Scientists should only present accurate data and reach
consensus among themselves. While there have definitely been past errors in climate
change predictions, the core message about intolerable deterioration and potential
extinctions caused by mankind remains valid.
Scientists have been aware of the link between burning fossil fuels and increasing
temperatures since the 1800s. In the 1970s, they predicted the planet would face ‘a
carbon induced super-interglacial’ that would be influenced by humans and would likely
be detected around the year 2000. They also stipulated the need for a ‘carbon budget’
to keep the Earth’s warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
As far back as the 1950s, an American physicist and climatologist, Gilbert Norman
Plass (1920–2004), expressed concerns that the Earth was going to warm up by 1.5
degrees Celsius per century. Plass published a series of influential papers that explored
the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by trace gases in the Earth’s
atmosphere. He showed that the increased concentrations of CO 2 in the atmosphere
could lead to a warming effect due to the greenhouse effect. The oil industries were
therefore aware of these dangers but downplayed them for financial gain and to
discredit such predictions.
Between 1977–2003, some of the world’s top scientists hired by the oil company,
ExxonMobil, predicted the consequences of global warming accurately. These same
scientists not only demonstrated remarkable precision in their findings, but ExxonMobil
also spent the following two decades vehemently denying the existence of climate
science. In 2012, Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil’s CEO, claimed that, ‘Climate change is
real, and that humanity would have to adapt to it’. In 2017, this man was later hand-
picked by President Trump to be his Secretary of State, a position which involved
Tillerson acting as a diplomat to represent the USA on occasions such as the Paris

Agreement and other world climate change issues. The Guardian newspaper wrote how
this was the very man who had orchestrated the campaign to protect ExxonMobil and
concealed the full impact of the dangers that lay ahead for humanity if natural gases
were continued to be used as they were. This same man was responsible for
misleading investors about the true facts and what ExxonMobil knew to be the truth
about the future of the planet should they continue to use fossil fuels.
ExxonMobil’s operation in the USA and Indonesia has involved drilling, fracking and
refining operations. The effects of these have caused a series of negative impacts on the
local villagers in Indonesia and their environment, as well as globally. Local villagers
made legal claims against ExxonMobil for not respecting their human rights by the use of
torture, sexual abuse of pregnant women and spouses being shot dead. The case
recently closed in 2021 after two decades of court battles.
There have been consistent and accurate predictions regarding the impact of
greenhouse gases on the planet, but they often face suppression and denial, driven by
financial interests. It is important for the public to rely on credible sources for information
on the subject and to take collective action to address the crisis. Do your own personal
research in the library or however you see fit, but for the love of humanity, our planet
and God, wake up and recognise it is genuine, manmade, here, now and is never going
away. Our only hope to overcome political and industrial oppression, manipulation, spin
doctoring, propaganda and worse, our current planet’s struggles, is to become one
family — the human family. Being a collective, increases our chances of survival from a
lot worse than climate change. It is our disregard for each other and selfishness that is
creating more narcissism and it is the fastest growing Cluster B personality disorder in
the world. Cluster B disorder means you react in an unpredictable, dramatic or intensely
emotional way to certain situations. Does this surprise you?
The vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists — a whopping 97 per cent –
agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Numerous pre-
eminent global scientific organisations, including international science academies and
the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have publicly
articulated this stance.
With constantly changing facts, conflicting science data and progressive new studies,
we are becoming confused, fearing that the majority of data regarding climate change is
full of uncertainty and inaccuracies. However, the unyielding reality persists: action is

imperative, contingent upon whether humanity will answer the summons to avert the
looming catastrophic changes imperiling our planet’s future.
We do have a reliable grasp on our planet’s climatological past, and it is clear beyond
doubt that the Earth has never shown such accelerated speed at warming up as it is
today. With 13,000 square miles already lost from Antarctica’s ice shelf, we are running
out of time.
According to Ruth Mottram, a climate scientist at the Danish Meteorological
Institute, the most recent figures are pretty disastrous showing more and more of
Greenland’s ice being lost. Studies have proved beyond doubt that the enhanced
speed-up of the ice shelf’s melting is clearly caused by humans adding to our drastic
change in climate. There is nothing natural about this.



We need more people to listen, learn and act against fossil fuels and in favour of clean energy. We need to set up local groups, fundraisers, peaceful marches
while promoting support. Invest in wind, solar, geothermal, tidal energy and all
the emerging forms of sustainable energy. We need to rally against government policies
that continue to subsidise the fossil fuel industry. Politicians are not going to solve the
climate crisis. We need a Martin Luther King, Jr.; we need a Gandhi; we need a
peaceful leader to take the reins so humanity is heard. Our governments are not going
to save our planet from a predicted disaster, we the people need to do this. The
momentum is building.
In the past five years climate stories aren’t just the occasional catastrophe headline.
There are serious articles like RWIND about climate science, there are clean energy
solutions and political initiatives like the Green New Deal. There are climate strikes,
species extinctions and rising sea levels everywhere you look. But we have yet to
surmount people’s latent fear of taking action to slow this down.
I mentioned climate change to an elderly friend who is today a retired magistrate and
pointed out my dismay over how many educated people still believe climate news to be
propaganda or mass hysteria. ‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘I am one of those educated people, I
believe there is a problem, but I do not believe humanity is the cause of the problem or
that it is as bad as the media states it is.’ I fear this is the view of many people.
The principle of mentalism asserts that every element in existence originates as a
product of thought, a creation of the mind. This implies that, in principle, all that
surrounds us, from fundamental innovations like the wheel to complex inventions like
engines, began as a concept, emerging from a mental state that precedes its
realisation. If thoughts lead to manifestation, imagine what the human family could
accomplish together.
But people have their own ideas, their own embedded programmes running regarding
what is right or wrong. Great people like David Bellamy, who, in 2008 signed the
Manhattan Declaration maintaining a view that manmade climate change is poppycock.
He was so wrong and later, after being discredited for publishing data from findings that
were proved not to exist, he withdrew from the debate regarding climate change.

Or, Piers Corbyn, the older brother of politician Jeremy Corbyn, is also known for his
controversial stance on climate change. A physicist and weather forecaster, Piers has
publicly expressed his scepticism about the extent to which human activity contributes to
the change in our climate. These great influential naturalist souls had or have their beliefs.
Just because we admire these great men, does it mean their beliefs are correct?
My point here is that just because you are a great scientist, it doesn’t always make
your viewpoint correct. Thankfully we have Sir David Attenborough, a British
broadcaster, biologist and natural historian, who led the way insisting: ‘Every day that
goes by in which we don’t do something about it is a day wasted’.
People everywhere have their embedded belief systems running like a computer
program or virus, and just like both, they influence people. Rightly or wrongly these
behavioural influences do not suddenly disappear, these souls do not suddenly
magically change their thoughts, emotions and actions. Especially if these radical or
outdated driving forces attract what they think they need, or what they might selfishly
want, regardless of the planet and humanity. They do not wish to hear: ‘If you want
change for a better climate and Earth’s future, you and your family, group, cult, religious
followers, villagers, voters, race or culture need to change the way you think.’ Especially
if it is about getting what you want. No, the majority of us do the exact opposite and,
with our ignorant ideals and thoughts or ego-driven values and beliefs, we carry on
voting for the same lame government representatives, pray to a fake God, or worship
the right God but in the wrong way that is counter-productive. Like going to war in his
name or killing thousands in his name for not following your preferred views.
Propaganda is everywhere; with the internet it has never been easier to manipulate the
planet’s people.
The people of this planet have to be willing to move out of their comfort zone. Are we
as a race really that easy to manipulate and control? With the COVID lockdowns, we
saw our individual freedom being taken away. This would have been unthinkable
months before. Was it a practice run set up by our government officials to test out how
the people are going to react to further restrictions? Will we accept the limitations and
tracking that is already in place with our phones, laptops and notebooks? Will we be
easy to tame, control and be placed under dictatorship as George Orwell wrote?

‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Perhaps it’s an inability to process ever-present fear. But I’m certain fear was a constant
companion to those living through World War One, the Great Depression and World
War Two. They learned to channel it into action, which is exactly what we need to do
today. We should be afraid of people who say there’s nothing to worry about. We should
be afraid of reaching 2 degrees Celsius of global warming. Our fear of political inaction
is warranted. But there’s no reason to be afraid of becoming a climate activist. You can
do it your way. You can stay inside your comfort zone or let the urgency of the issue
push you outside it.
Perhaps we could take our lead from the prominent Swedish climate activist, Greta
Thunberg, who has become the face of youth-led environmental advocacy on the global
stage. Born on 3 January 2003, she sparked a worldwide movement after initiating the
‘Fridays for Future’ school strike outside the Swedish parliament in August 2018. We
could all learn from her impassioned speeches and resolute stance on the urgent need
for action.
When we read about climate change, we cannot help but react emotionally; this is not a
maths equation to be solved. It is life. It is the world changing around us that threatens
humanity’s future for generations to come. Sooner or later, everyone will address this
catastrophe. Whatever motivates you — fear, hope or common sense — the climate
movement could use your help sooner rather than later.
Big oil corporations and banking representatives just find ways to rebrand themselves
as green, using the green movements for their own ends. Colossal subsidies from around
the world that taxpayers believe are for developing renewable energy resources are in
fact the same old fossil-fuel entities in a different package. In 2022, the UK government
approved plans to open a new coal mine, going against the country’s commitment to limit
global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade. The UK also plans to award licences to
companies to extract oil and gas from the North Sea, which will fuel the climate crisis
Hundreds of new oil and gas licences will be granted in the UK, the Prime Minister
has confirmed recently, as the UK Government continues to back the North Sea oil and
gas industry as part of drive to make Britain more energy independent.
Wind turbines and solar panels sound like the perfect alternative, but what happens
when there is no sun or wind? They come at a heavy environmental price. They need a
great deal of fossil fuels and lots of mining in their manufacture — silicon, cobalt, silver,
graphite and, of course, coal. Then when manufacturing the storage batteries, lithium

and cobalt are needed. While lithium itself is not environmentally damaging, the mining
of it is. Cobalt is extremely toxic as well as extremely damaging to the environment
when it is extracted from the ground.
As recently as 2020, Greenpeace lost a high court case with Norwegian Oil
companies. The Supreme Court chose to be loyal to these drilling companies with what
was considered by fifteen of the judges, to be holding invalid oil licences because of
procedural errors. It was considered that the effect of future global emissions of the
greenhouse gases were not taken into serious consideration during the decision and
how it will impact future generations and our planet.
The absurdity that the human’s right to have a liveable environment for the children of
Norway’s future says a great deal about the state of our planet’s legal systems and their
priorities amongst other things.
It is obvious that we need even more climate activists on board; we need more people
who care and are concerned about the planet to join this movement and make sure that
we are holding everyone accountable. If it were possible to get everybody around the
world to love and appreciate nature, and to make sure that we are doing this from deep
within ourselves, then we can change so much in the world within a short period of time.
Nature is not indestructible; it needs to be protected.



We need to get the governments of the democratic nations to support the climate crisis and start to create the strong climate policies required to save our family
known as humanity. The governments need to see what we are truly facing and
it is imperative that we, the people, that is Jo Public, unite. We need to educate
ourselves by reading the evidence and insist that the governments we put in power do
something now.
Despite all that is known now in the year 2024, the UK government is still supporting
deep sea mining. Greenpeace are spending monumental amounts of time and donated
money trying to force the hand of the UK government to recognise the imminent and
long-term threat to our oceans and everything that depends on them. Climate,
biodiversity and coastal communities are under threat and many leading companies and
expert scientists have concurred with this. As a result, Greenpeace is taking a stand for
a precautionary pause now, to pave the way for an outright ban.
Despite the UK positioning itself as a leader in ocean protection during the Global
Ocean Treaty negotiations. These negotiations refer to international discussions aimed
at establishing a comprehensive legal framework for the conservation and sustainable
use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. They are conducted under the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and involve
representatives from various countries, as well as non-governmental organisations and
other stakeholders.
It is extremely complex and involves balancing the interests of various stakeholders,
including coastal states, fishing industries, conservation groups and the scientific
community. While progress has been made in advancing the negotiations, challenges
remain in reaching consensus on key issues and finalising a treaty text that effectively
addresses the pressing challenges facing the high seas.
The UK government to date, has refused to call for a pause or ban on deep sea
mining. Their argument is that it wishes to procure and sell the mined minerals to
battery manufacturers to advance the green transition. Deep sea mining, which involves
extracting minerals and resources from the seabed, particularly from depths of

thousands of metres below the ocean’s surface, poses several potential and ecological
The ocean ecosystem is one of the largest on our planet, but it is a fragile world
mostly unexplored and untouched by humans. The twenty-four-hour mining that is
intended will spread light and noise as it disrupts carbon cycles and leaves vast plumes
of sediment that will travel for miles in the ocean. The plan is to destroy vast areas of
the ocean floor. This will desecrate the mysterious creatures that glow with
phosphorescence, and disrupt all marine mammals that voyage across the global
oceans like dolphins, turtles and sharks. According to Greenpeace there are creatures
down there that will be destroyed before humanity even discovers them.
The power to stop this barbaric mistake in our planet’s history is in the hands of our
world’s governments and their power is in the hands of us, the people of this planet, the
very people who voted for them and actually have more power if they unite and speak
up. Wake up and start to fight for this planet and a better future as a collaborative and
unified family.
Tens of thousands of people/campaigners from all walks of life united at a fantastic
event, ‘The Big One’, where many different activists and organisations came together to
fight the climate emergency. It just proves what the younger generations are thinking and
feeling, and what can be accomplished when an unignorable mass movement of
humans/people can achieve when they unite. The crucial point here is how together, we
still have the opportunity to change the course of our planet’s future and for those that
currently reside on it if we come together.
It is the absence of our politicians’ acknowledgement and the corporate greed of
industries that continues to destroy our nature and our planet. Corporate greed is
responsible for some of the worst environmental issues affecting the world today and
the world’s governments are complicit in this destruction.
Organisations like Greenpeace have won victories by working together, demanding
large companies take responsibility for their crimes. Crimes such as fracking in England
and Shell drilling in the Arctic. It was through the bravery of wonderful and brave
volunteers scaling rigs, stopping ships, protesting with polar bears and mass petitioning
that has stopped Shell from doing this. It was the mounting and continuous pressure
from local communities, plus campaigns on the ground that placed a halt to fracking in
England. Today, Greenpeace faces one of the highest risks as it defends the North Sea
over legal disputes in the oil and gas sector.

Then there is the battle against illegal gold mining in the Amazon. This is connected
to a long list of ongoing problems. Excavators tear down trees devastating nature as it
destroys habitats and fuels soil erosion. Mining then contaminates the landscape, as
toxic mercury is used to find gold within the soil. This leads to lethal health problems for
the indigenous people as the mercury leaks into their water supplies which then gets
into fish and crops.
Companies such as Hyundai have broken their links with illegal mining because of
Greenpeace’s consistent battle to protect our planet. Through their continued battle
against illegal gold mining, Greenpeace intends to make sure other companies do the
same, and stop profiting from the crime of illegal gold mining in the Amazon rainforest.
Without Greenpeace holding corporations and governments to account, many of the
environmental protections secured over the last five decades would not exist.
When examining the world’s current challenges, particularly its conflicts and the
necessity for lasting resolutions, a reflection on our history and ongoing issues related
to war, conflict and religion reveals a clear pattern. These wars are waged not just
against each other but against the world at large, driven by a desire to uphold division,
exert control and propagate ideologies that perpetuate this division, thereby hindering
humanity’s progression towards unity. However, this effort is futile, as evolution is an
inexorable force, aligned with the natural order of the universe and the will of God. All
forms of separation are destined to end, and everyone has a role to play in this
transformation. This change is not just a possibility; it is a certainty, preordained and
As each individual evolves, they increasingly become a force for good in the world — a
force that dispels ambivalence, confusion and conflict, a force for peace, for certainty
and a force for true cooperation and relationships. We need to become more
accountable and responsible for how we live and for what we consume and do.



Our communities are lifelines — the village hall, the church fête, the town’s carnival, parks, recreations grounds, our nuclear family — these are the hubs of the
community spirit. It was community that got us through two world wars, various
pandemics and the odd invasion in our country’s history. Without community we are
vulnerable to outside influence and manipulation. People have become self-obsessed,
mesmerised by their gadgets, while ignoring the alarms that are going off around them.
So, who is listening? Who is watching, acting, or paying real attention?
We seem to have lost our sense of community spirit in today’s society. Is this down to
media, mobile phones and online gaming or has society just started to care less about
their neighbours, the elderly, the sick and their planet? We share our cultural heritage,
our religions and general knowledge with each other. All our religions have a common
denominator. Community is a source of inspiration but, more importantly, community
builds social interaction and is a vital part of being who we are. We need a community. It
is built into our DNA to live in groups, to build meaningful connections and relationships
from childhood to old age. To share goals, ideas, common interests, religion, hobbies,
secrets, advice and, more importantly, knowledge, food, child minding, medical
equipment and the support we all need at some point in our life, especially for those
who are elderly, handicapped, ill, vulnerable or alone.
Being social creatures, meaningful relationships can develop among like-minded
people or perhaps those who are different from us. It builds a deeper sense of
togetherness while reducing a sense of loneliness, stress, mental health problems,
anxiety and worse. When communities are made up of those who show kindness,
empathy, generosity and a warmth of inclusion, it brings people together for the
common good. Togetherness will ensure safety, health and happiness, along with the
improvement of a common goal.

‘Our differences are our strength as a species

and a world community.’
Nelson Mandela

It is the development of communities that build the crucial blocks that hold great nations
together. It is how we teach each other where we are going and who to have living with
us. For our social, cultural, political and economic development to be safe, equal and
sustainable, there must be a democratic community way of life. Environmental
stewardship, political participation and economic stability are built through overall
growth, developing structures that will provide a better standard of life for those
individuals within its community.
Thousands of people are dying from loneliness alone, which is why communities are
so important to mental wellbeing. Families and friendships play such a vital role in our
day-to-day lives. Community support has been proven to help with alleviating stress,
depression, loneliness, mental health and social anxiety. It is important that we share a
sense of belonging with our neighbours.

‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

Matthew 7:12

It is important for the next generations that we lead by example. We need to show and
inspire our children and grandchildren or neighbour’s children to show kindness, charity,
help, support, love and respect. We also need to show how we can work together to
improve each other’s lives and the lives of those around us. Volunteering to help with
the building of community projects builds strong communities and valued friendships
which bring trust and shared experiences of both accomplishment and defeat which are
both important in the decision-making process. Both are needed to bring about positive
change and future success.
We have only to look at our history to see what hate, war and indoctrination of the
worst kind does when instilled into young children. Is this what we want? Do we wonder
why our planet is losing its biodiversity? According to the Royal Botanic Gardens at
Kew, London, England, the extinction risk of the world’s plants and fungi is 39.4 per
cent. These not only sequester carbon but many are vital foods for pollinators that we
rely on for producing the food we eat and are also vital as food or shelter for various
creatures within the ecosystem. According to the Rainforest Trust, 80 per cent of the
world’s biodiversity is within the areas covered by rainforests. According to the Wildlife
Trust 137 plants, animals and insects are being lost every day to worldwide

Communities of hate are built all over the world. In North Korea the kindergarten
children have toy pistols and rifles lined up on shelves for play time. They are given
cardboard paintings of American soldiers and encouraged to shoot them and shout at
them calling them ‘American bastards’. The North Korean child is bred to hate its two
enemies, the Japanese and American. They are taught to want revenge and not
reconciliation. This hate is being perpetuated. This is the beginning of a North Korean
child’s education, to want to kill, take revenge and breed contempt. Hatred has no place
whatsoever in 21st-century communities, countries, religions or children’s educational
system. Promoting intolerance creates enormous harm.

‘No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin or his
background or religion. People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate they
can be taught to love. For love comes more naturally to the human heart

than its opposite.’
Nelson Mandela

Other great leaders for human rights include the 3rd American President, Thomas
Jefferson (1743–1826), who was the primary author of The Declaration of
Independence and the major advocate for human rights including freedom of thought,
speech and religion. We should take heed from this historic document that was adopted
by the Continental Congress of the thirteen American colonies way back on 4 July 1776.
It proclaimed the colonies’ independence from British rule and marked the birth of the
USA and stated:

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these

are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’

Another person of influence was Emmeline Pankhurst (1858–1928), who founded the
Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903 leading the way to the women’s vote
through the Equal Franchise Act in England. In 1928, women in England, Wales and
Scotland were allowed to vote on equal terms to men. The American white woman was
allowed to vote after the 19th Amendment was ratified by Congress on 19 August 1920,
but for the black American woman it took until 6 August 1965, a lengthy and hard-fought

The human family has come a long way and we have created a great many nations,
countries and cultures with a proud and diverse society offering free speech and
democratic rights. But this is thanks to great inspirational thinkers and leaders who
fought, died and were imprisoned because of their foresight and bravery.
If we learn from these prominent figures from history, we can make a difference to our
societies, communities and our planet’s future. We must teach our children to love,
integrate, be social and culturally aware, to forgive, to show compassion and kindness.
To treat the planet with love and respect, to stop throwing litter everywhere, to stop
polluting our children’s minds with shitty examples from our own behaviours. Lead by
example parents. I have witnessed children re-enacting what they have heard their
parents saying to their neighbours. Young mothers bragging how they punched another
mother at the school gates, or how they told the head teacher to f — — off, because of a
grade given to their child that they believed to be unfair. These very same children
witnessing this terrible parenting, grow up to be those types of parents themselves with
the same attitude towards the world.
This is not the way to behave, for a better world we must encourage and teach
unification, equality and lead by example. Nelson Mandela spent twenty-seven years in
prison for his beliefs, but his release in 1990 brought peace to his racially divided South
Africa. More importantly he led the way for the fight for human rights around the world.
So much has been accomplished throughout our planet’s history. Teaching our
children about the significance of voting during their primary school years is crucial. We
must also emphasise the importance of acknowledging the sacrifices our ancestors
made for us. By not exercising the very political principles they fought and died for, we
would be letting them down.
The majority of people on this planet do not care about what is truly happening.
Consequently, it is difficult for humanity to work with the ‘Generative Principle’ because,
for it to work, humanity must unite. In brief, the Generative Principle embodies the
notion of inherent creative power or generativity within natural systems, whether at the
level of fundamental physical processes, biological development, or the emergence of
complexity in the universe.
In fact, if the human family wants to save the Earth, unification is the only solution. We
must care enough to put our will behind saving the Earth and to do this we must first
believe in climate change. It is real, it is manmade, and it is happening right now. Lack
of awareness is accelerating the pace of Earth’s deterioration.

The fact that most of us turn a blind eye to the detrimental events unfolding around
our plant, guarantees the situation will persist and intensify. We must change the
direction of the course the Earth is on and to do this we must change humanity’s
consciousness. This is the law of attraction in action. Being aware, accepting there is a
problem and uniting as a race that cares enough to put our thoughts into actions, will
make this desperately needed change to save our beautiful planet. Natural law is a
universal law. It is real. It’s based on energy and human thoughts are energy.
Imagine what humanity could accomplish if it was to unite and work together with the
power of positive thought aligned and routed all on the same manifestation. Humanity’s
biggest threat apart from materialism, greed, corruption and themselves, is outside
influence from other worlds. However, there are still too many dangerous, powerful non-
believers of our manmade climate change. There are some celebrities and their
followers who are continuing as if nothing is happening; there are many politicians and
business executives who are like ostriches with their heads in the sand continuing
business as usual, and millions of people who just shut off from the world spending their
free time watching TV shows, podcasts or YouTube, sending boos or playing games on
consoles and phones as if nothing has changed.

‘Ignorance is the route of all evil.’
Greek philosopher Plato (427 BC–347 BC)

We currently have the right to our personal opinions and freedom of speech. If we are to
stop the spreading of another plague or virus that I will name ‘stupidity’ rather than
‘ignorance’, I implore you, the reader, to tell everyone that if we are going to survive this
great change, then humanity must educate itself by doing far more than reading another
ignoramus’s blurb and recognise that just because it is written by a magistrate, judge,
doctor or religious leader, a politician or published author, it does not mean they know
what they are writing or talking about.


The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world.
It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to

defend it.

One of the most crucial actions individuals can take, apart from voting, is to pressure governments, local MPs, investors and companies to take urgent action
on the climate crisis and provide financial support to communities on the front
lines. Holding governments accountable is imperative, as overcoming the global
dangers facing humanity, requires nations to set aside their differences and unite.
Predatory rulers and leaders who invade neighbouring countries or religious groups
that refuse to share land, contribute to global discord. We must not let hatred distract us
from the urgent need to save our planet. Unity and compassion are essential to protect
our environment and ensure a future for the generations to come, as well as for the
wildlife that shares our world.
Addressing the inequality crisis is also vital, as the climate crisis exacerbates tensions
and leaves children vulnerable to violence, abuse, child labour, trafficking and
exploitation. The climate crisis is a global problem, and everyone must be part of the
solution. We need to act both individually and collectively at local, national and
international levels.
Joining or forming groups, volunteering to raise awareness, attending conferences,
screenings, festivals and rallies are effective ways to contribute. Supporting
organisations like Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and WWF, signing petitions,
and communicating concerns to local MPs, are also important. Governments are there
to serve the public, and public pressure does make a difference.
In 1986, whaling nations agreed to end the slaughter of whales to prevent their
extinction. This led to the creation of the International Whale Sanctuary in the Southern
Oceans in 1994, resulting in increased whale populations and restored oceanic
ecosystems. This demonstrates that international cooperation can achieve significant
positive outcomes. The climate crisis affects the entire planet, and humanity must face it
together in solidarity to have a positive impact. We must unite internationally, cease
wars, and work with nature rather than against it.

Climate change is the most significant human problem facing our planet today.
Scientists warn that with multiple red alert lights flashing, humanity must unite and act
now to prevent further undesirable consequences.
We have a chance to save this wonderful world we inherited and perhaps restore it.


Written by Aquataine

Spiritual Life Coach and author

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